
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

True to You by Becky Wade

Nora Bradford is proud of her success as a historical village owner, enjoys her work at the library museum, and is seriously in-love with her favorite tv show. If those things don't occupy her time sufficiently, she has books, Facebook, and her smart phone to help her avoid certain emotions and circumstances. Then John Lawson enters her life, needing help to find his birth mother. Nora's focus shifts to John's search and ultimately to the man, himself. As the pair traces John's ancestry, they grow closer until an unexpected and dark truth from the past clouds their relationship. Will they rise above the past and find light after darkness? Read more in True to You by Becky Wade.

True to You is the first full-length novel in Becky Wade's Bradford Sisters Romance Series. The prequel, Then Came You, complements the story line, but is not essential to True to You. I thoroughly enjoyed Nora's character development. In the beginning, I didn't really like her and stuck with the story because the ancestry search was interesting. However, by the middle of the book, I was cheering for her and staying up much too late so I could finish “just one more chapter.” And then came the unveiling of past secrets. Wow. I absolutely adore how the author carried both John and Nora through that. I can't say more without giving a spoiler, but it was excellent.

I would rate True to You as a PG-13 book. There's some innuendo by one of Nora's co-workers that really wasn't necessary and I wouldn't want my young child absorbing. For older teens and adults, the story is entertaining and the message of redemption is lovely.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."