
Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Modest Proposal

In A Modest Proposal,author Jonathan Swift offers what he considers an acceptable proposal to help end poverty, homelessness, and a plethora of societies problems. He objectively lays out his proposal and all the reasons he can find to support it. He writes clearly of how his proposal can be implemented and what could be the expected outcome.

I admit that before I read this I didn't know that it was a satirical work. I was quite shocked when I read that his proposal to remedy societies problems involved killing and eating young children as if they were young animals. I think it would have been helpful to me to know some information regarding the political climate of Ireland at the time. At the end, I still found myself confused as to what Swift was saying to or about his society. Overall, I did not like A Modest Proposal. Not only was it somewhat confusing to me, but I also found the ideas revolting and the imagery disgusting. Perhaps that I what the author intended? Perhaps not, who knows?

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