
Friday, December 19, 2014

To Review or Not to Review......

Book Blogger Hop

Every week Coffee Addicted Writer hosts the Book Blogger Hop. Participants answer a question and then visit other blogs of fellow participants to chime in on the discussion. This week's question is:

“Do you write a review for every book you read or only review copies from publishers?”

My answer:

It's a given that all the books I receive from publishers get reviewed eventually... otherwise they'd stop sending me books.

As for books that I buy or rent from the library, I review them if I have the time and desire. Extra time is often in low supply around my house, but I will make time if I feel the book warrants the effort. If I find an amazing book, I'll definitely share how much I enjoyed it. If the book is disappointing, I'll warn others to rent before buying.

What about you?


  1. I review all the books I read. It has just become a habit. :)

    ENJOY your week. Great answer.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  2. I definitely am working my way through my review books. I tend to write down my impressions of books I read for fun so I can turn them into a review if I get behind.

  3. I review for Bethany House too! :) And these are the ones I am committed to submitting reviews for, but like you, I tend to make book reviews optional on those sitting on my shelf or borrowed from the library.

    My thoughts:
    Sparrow's Blog Hop Answer

  4. It's also good to post reviews for books that I didn't really like. To let the authors know somehow. :)


  5. I think it's interesting that you say "rent from the library". Since library fees are buried in my taxes, I simply forget that I'm paying for the privilege of borrowing books.

    I try not to accept books that I know in advance that I won't like. If I'm surprised and find that a book I had thought I'd like wasn't as good as I anticipated, I say so in my review. But since the review books I receive -- so far -- are ones that I explicitly requested through Netgalley or Library Thing, the lowest review I tend to post is 3 stars, "it was good, but not great."
