
Friday, March 22, 2019

First Line Friday: The Lady of Tarpon Springs by Judith Miller

Happy Friday!

First Line Fridays is hosted by Hoarding Books and participants share the first line from a nearby

Today I'm sharing the first line from The Lady of Tarpon Springs by Judith Miller:

"Zanna Krykos closed her eyes and offered a silent prayer for God's direction."

Have you read this book? It's been on my TBR stack since last September.  I was supposed to read it with my local book club for our October pick, but never did. Eek!

What are you reading this weekend?

Have a great weekend! Happy reading!

About the Book:

Much to the dismay of her Greek family, Zanna Krykos makes a living as a lawyer in Tarpon Springs, Florida. When her friend Lucy needs legal advice about the business she inherited upon her father's passing, she ends up asking Zanna to run the business instead so she can focus on her medical career.

Nico Kalos is a Greek diver who has worked on sponging boats in the Aegean Sea since the age of 14, giving him a vast knowledge of the trade. When he hears of an opportunity to lead a group of spongers to the United States, he seizes it. But his excitement is quickly quelled when he arrives only to discover that a young woman with no experience in the business will be in charge of the new crews.

But as Zanna and Nico face even more complications than they could have imagined, they must learn to work together or risk everything they've worked so hard for.

First Line Fridays hosted by Hoarding Books


  1. Happy Friday! My first line is from “How the Light Gets In” by Jolina Petersheim:

    “The caskets were closed, of course.”

    1. I have that book, but haven't read it yet. Happy reading!

  2. Happy Friday!

    Today on my blog, I'm sharing the first paragraph from A Silken Thread by Kim Vogel Sawyer: Currently I'm reading Ladies of Intrigue by Michelle Griep, so I'll share a line from there.

    "Mr. Farris and the soldiers thundered off, but despite the danger disappearing into the dark, Helen's heart still beat an irregular tattoo, for Isaac strode toward her."

    Hope you have a great weekend. Happy reading! 🙂❤📚

    1. I loved The Captured Bride by Michelle Griep, but I haven't read THe Ladies of Intrigue. Happy reading!

  3. Happy Friday!
    On my blog today I shared the first line from When You Are Near by Tracie Peterson: but I'm now currently reading The Baggage Handler by David Rawlings so I'll share the first line from my current chapter (4) here: "David corralled his nerves and forced them into one knee, which bounced an erratic dance as he sat in the reception area of Sisyphus Financial's top floor." Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. The Baggage Handler sounds like an interesting read! Happy reading!

  4. Happy Friday! I'm sharing from General Meade: A Novel of the Civil War by Robert Kofman on my blog, here's the first line from the next book I'll be starting, Beauty in Battle by Robin Patchen:

    "Darkness swallowed Harper's rental home even before Jack navigated his pickup around the corner."

  5. I somehow missed this one, but it sounds fascinating!

    I'm sharing the first line from The King's Mercy by Lori Benton on my blog today, and that's what I'm currently reading. It's my first Lori Benton book and I've heard great things about her writing, so I have high expectations!

    Alex MacKinnon roused to the press of wood beneath his cheek and an ominous churning in his gut.

    1. I recently became a fan of Lori Benton's work while reading The Wood's Edge. Looking forward to The King's Mercy! Happy Reading!

  6. My first line is from chapter 20 of A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh by Carolyn Miller.

    Today had proved a day of wonders, enough to make Caroline almost believe there might be other miracles to be seen from this God the Kirbys trusted.

    1. That book is on my wish list! Happy Reading!

  7. Happy Weekend :)

    On my blog I shared the first line from Kristy Cambron's Castle on the Rise:

    "Fairy-tale weddings never included rain on the guest list."

    1. I have two books by Kristy Cambron, begging to be read, but haven't done it yet! Enjoy your reading!
