
Saturday, July 6, 2019

Author Interview: Midnight on the River Grey by Abigail Wilson

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Midnight on the River Grey by Abigail Wilson, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


Title: Midnight on the River Grey 
Author: Abigail Wilson  
Publisher: Thomas Nelson 
Release Date: July 2, 2019  
Genre: Historical Suspense/Gothic Romance

She knew the house was keeping secrets. If only the darkness would speak . . .

After her elder brother’s mysterious death, Rebecca Hunter vows to expose the man she believes responsible: Mr. Lewis Browning—known by the locals as the Midnight Devil and by Rebecca as her new guardian.

Summoned to his reclusive country estate to await her London season, Rebecca plans her own secret investigation among the darkened corridors of the mysterious Greybourne Hall. Yet Lewis Browning is not as she once imagined, and his motivation is horribly unclear. Recurrent nightmares and Rebecca’s restless feelings are further complicated by the shadow of her mother’s prior descent into madness and wondering if she, too, will follow the same heartbreaking path.

Even as midnight rides, strange injuries, and further murders lead back to Mr. Browning, Rebecca can’t ignore the subtle turn of her heart. Has she developed feelings for the man she swore to see hanged? And moreover, can she trust him with her uncertain future?



Abigail Wilson combines her passion for Regency England with intrigue and adventure to pen historical mysteries with a heart. A registered nurse, chai tea addict, and mother of two crazy kids, Abigail fills her spare time hiking the national parks, attending her daughter’s gymnastic meets, and curling up with a great book.

In 2017, Abigail won WisRWA’s Fab Five contest and in 2016, ACFW’s First Impressions contest as well as placing as a 2017 finalist in the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense.

She is a cum laude graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and currently lives in Dripping Springs, Texas, with her husband and children.  

CONNECT WITH ABIGAIL: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Did a specific event, idea, or person inspire Midnight on the River Grey?
Abigail: The plot for Midnight on the River Grey trickled out of several different ideas. First, I have always been fascinated by old English bridges. Many BBC period dramas have highlighted the beautiful stone architecture during the Regency era. So, when I started researching for my next book, I knew I wanted the person who died to fall from just such a bridge, thus leading my characters back to that location to investigate.
Second, I have suffered from night terrors my entire life. It is such a strange and personal confusion I battle quite frequently. At many times, I’ve wondered how much worse they will get as I already talk, run, fight, and scream in my sleep. My husband is amazing in dealing with them, but I have lashed out at him in confusion more than I’d like to admit. Using my personal experiences, I wanted to create a character who deals with her own incidents at night, ones she doesn’t understand or know how far they will go, particularly in Regency England when health care was abhorrent.

How long did it take you to write this novel?
Abigail: The rough draft took about six months to complete with an additional three months for edits. I like to write a book in chronological order, and I spend a great deal of time plotting and researching before putting fingers to the keyboard.

What was something surprising you learned while researching/writing this novel?
Abigail: I was fascinated by the research I found on the Secret Office, which was a confidential section of the Post Office in Regency and Victorian Britain. Personal correspondence as well as letters of business continued to be exchanged between Britain and France during the Napoleonic wars. Concerned that sensitive information might be disseminated across the channel, Britain set up a classified branch. Under complete secrecy, individuals or spies employed by this office regularly opened and read the mail of people they thought suspicious. Little is known about these spies or what they went through to protect Britain; however, this special office became an essential part of the war against France.

Do you have a favorite character in Midnight on the River Grey?
Abigail: What a difficult question! If I had to choose one, I would pick Lewis Browning. He is just such a fascinating character to me. At the opening of the story, he’s living with quite a bit of guilt over his role in our heroine’s brother’s death, but soon enough, against his better judgement, he finds himself attracted to her. Driven by a strong sense of justice and loyalty, his deep feelings are at war with the sensitive nature he’d rather keep hidden.
Sophie, the little pup with a nose for mischief, comes in at a close second.

Can you share with us something you love about this novel?
Abigail: The twists and turns of the mystery are definitely front and center in this book as well as the deliciously Gothic house, but for me, I absolutely adore the love story that unfolds between the main characters. The premise, as well as the characters’ strong personalities, created sparks on the page, and I’m just in love with the two of them.

What do you hope readers take away from this novel?
Abigail: At the heart of my story lies the promise of hope, that even in our darkest moments, strength of character still matters, and in the end, the truth will set you free.

If Midnight on the River Grey was made into a movie, who would you like to see play Rebecca and Lewis?
Abigail: What fun that would be! While writing Lewis, Aidan Turner (think Poldark) kept creeping into my mind. With his crazy hair and attractive smile, Aidan would do nicely. For Rebecca, I would love to see Alexis Bledel.

Can you share a book you are currently reading or have read recently?
Abigail: I am currently reading Never Let Go, by Elizabeth Goddard, who I got to meet recently at Book Lovers Con. I am only a few chapters in, and I am completely hooked. If you like suspense, you should definitely check her out!

What hobbies do you enjoy when you aren't writing?
Abigail: I absolutely love canoeing, hiking, and camping. My husband and I hope to visit all the National Parks at some point, and we’ve been to quite a few already. I’m also a huge fan of gymnastics. My daughter competes and we love traveling to her competitions and cheering her on.

Anything else you would like to share about Midnight on the River Grey?
Abigail: I’m just so excited for everyone to read it and hear their thoughts! Thank you for hosting me on the blog.

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