
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Book Spotlight & Giveaway: A Silver Willow by the Shore

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

A Silver Willow by the Shore
By Kelli Stuart
Adult Historical, Contemporary, Time-Slip
Paperback & ebook, 380 Pages
October 15th 2019 by Fine Print Writing Press

How do you face the future if you don’t know your own past?

When an unexpected pregnancy changes her dreams, seventeen-year-old Annie tries to keep it from her mother and her grandmother. But secrets have a way of coming out. In a household of strong women, the arrival of a new life sets off a spiral of truth that reveals a past full of whispers and lies—a past that existed in another world under the heavy hand of Soviet oppression. This history has dictated the circumstances of the present, but hope, redemption, and forgiveness will grow in the rocky places of these generational differences.

A Silver Willow by the Shore is the story of the unshakeable love between mothers and daughters and of the impact that past decisions can have on present day circumstances. This novel weaves together the stories of generations of women, from the gulags of 1930’s Siberia, to the quiet oppression of 1980’s Soviet Moscow, to present day Tennessee. It is an unforgettable narrative of the treachery of secrets, and of the light that unites the heart of a family.

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Nina studies the photo, soaking in the sight of the small market that stood on the opposite corner from where she and her mother lived. Hours and hours, the two of them stood in lines at that market, waiting to purchase whatever produce might be available when they reached the front. If Nina closes her eyes, she can still hear the sounds on the street outside her home—the trolleys clanging in the distance, the babushkas on the corners selling headscarves or table linens. Sometimes they’d stand out there with a box of puppies, selling them to anyone who stopped and expressed even the slightest interest. Nina had begged her mother for a puppy when she was younger, gazing longingly at the squirming little balls of fur from the line while her mother grasped her hand.

“Don’t be silly, Nina,” her mother would chide. “What would we do with a dog? I am working all day, and you are in school. And besides, then we would have to stand in another line just to get food for the dog. I will not stand in more lines.”

About the Author

Kelli is a wife, mother, novelist, and the driver of a smoking' hot minivan. When she isn't wrangling her five children, she can be found tapping away at the keyboard. Kelli is the award winning author of Like a River From Its Course, her debut novel which won the ACFW Carol Award for Best Historical and was nominated for two Christy Awards. Kelli is also the co-author of Life Creative: Inspiration for Today's Renaissance Mom with Wendy Speake. You can find more information on her life and writings at

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a Kindle Fire Tablet with Alexa Hands Free + $50 Amazon Gift Card.
US only.
Ends November 20, 2019.

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  1. This book sounds so good...full of mystery and intrigue. I really like that it is a time slip novel! I always find those so fascinating! Thanks for being a part of A Silver Willow by the Shore book tour!

  2. Love the title. Pretty cover. Description sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Love discovering new books to read and new authors to follow.
