
Friday, December 27, 2019

First Line Fridays: A Silver Willow by the Shore by Kelli Stuart

Happy Friday!

First Line Fridays is hosted by Hoarding Books and participants share the first line from a nearby book.

Today I'm sharing the first line from A Silver Willow by the Shore by Kelli Stuart:

"I know when someone's holding a secret."

What are you reading this weekend?

Have a great weekend! Happy reading!

About the Book:

How do you face the future if you don’t know your own past?
When an unexpected pregnancy changes her dreams, seventeen-year-old Annie tries to keep it from her mother and her grandmother. But secrets have a way of coming out. In a household of strong women, the arrival of a new life sets off a spiral of truth that reveals a past full of whispers and lies—a past that existed in another world under the heavy hand of Soviet oppression. This history has dictated the circumstances of the present, but hope, redemption, and forgiveness will grow in the rocky places of these generational differences.

A Silver Willow by the Shore is the story of the unshakeable love between mothers and daughters and of the impact that past decisions can have on present day circumstances. This novel weaves together the stories of generations of women, from the gulags of 1930’s Siberia, to the quiet oppression of 1980’s Soviet Moscow, to present day Tennessee. It is an unforgettable narrative of the treachery of secrets, and of the light that unites the heart of a family.

First Line Fridays hosted by Hoarding Books


  1. Happy holidays!

    Today on my blog I'm sharing the first few lines from The Perfect Christmas by Bell Renshaw: I'm currently reading Veiled in Smoke by Jocelyn Green so I'll share a line from there.

    "It was a lie, Meg had realized years ago, that the end of the war meant the end of suffering."

    Hope you have an excellent weekend filled with awesome reading time. 😊❤📖

    1. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! :)

  2. This week on my blog I shared the first line from Isaiah's Daughter by Mesu Andrews but I'm currently reading Veiled in Smoke by Jocelyn Green so I'll share the first line from my current chapter (18) here: "Dust clouded Nate's steps as he sloughed through a southwest section of the burned district." Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a happy new year!

    1. Thanks for sharing! I'm hoping to read Veiled in Smoke soon as well! :)

  3. I've never read any books by this author, I'll have to check this one out!

  4. Sounds like an interesting read! Thanks so much for stopping by Colletta's Kitchen Sink :) Happy New Year!

