
Friday, August 21, 2020

First Line Fridays: Blue Moon by Jenny Knipfer

Happy Friday! 

First Line Fridays is hosted by Hoarding Books and participants share the first line from a nearby book.

Today, I'm sharing the first lines from Blue Moon by Jenny Knipfer.

"'Come. We must be quiet.' I motion to the lad as I kneel next to his bed."

Have you read Blue Moon? I have not, but it's on my TBR. Book blurb below.

What are you reading this weekend? I'd love for you to share your book's first line!

Happy reading!

About the Book:

The year is 1885 and unwed Vanessa Gulet must surrender her newborn son to her married twin sister, Valerie, to raise. A seed of bitterness grows in Vanessa. When the opportunity arises for her to have what she's always wanted, Vanessa takes it despite the consequences to her family, getting more than she bargained for.

Meanwhile, Valerie, overcome with loss and grief, faces a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Will she and her husband, Felix, forge through their trials together, or will these upsets cause them to drift apart?

Will Vanessa and Valerie remain at odds, or will they allow the power of forgiveness to heal their strained relationship?

Love seems to bloom in the most unlikely of places in Webaashi Bay for an old friend of Jenay's and a woman who owns the local dress shop. A parallel tale of love, forgiveness, and reuniting lost things is spun by a local author adding another dimension to the tale of the Gulet twins and their saga.

First Line Fridays hosted by Hoarding Books


  1. Happy Friday! 😀
    Today on my blog I'm sharing from As Easy as Cherry Pie by Bell Renshaw. I'm just getting to chapter 3, so I'll share a line from there.
    "Maggie flipped on the fluorescent lights in the shop's kitchen and stifled a yawn."
    Have an excellent weekend! 🙂❤📚

    1. I haven't heard of that book! Thanks for sharing, Nicole! :)

  2. Happy Friday!

    The premise of Blue Moon sounds really intriguing.

    On my blog this week, I'm sharing the first line from A Sweethaven Romance by Courtney Walsh:

    "Eleanor Waverly could hold her breath for one solid minute."

    I hope you have a lovely weekend :)

    1. I've heard so many good reviews of Courtney Walsh's books, but I haven't read a single one!

  3. My first line is from a book just released by Izzy James. It’s a historical THE SHOPKEEPER’S WIDOW.
    30 September, 1775. Borough of Norfolk, Virginia
    With a startled swipe of her arm, Delany Fleet brushed Noah’s animal ps to the floor.
    My reviews are up.

    1. I haven't heard of this one either! Thanks for sharing! :)

  4. Happy Friday! My first line is from “To Love a Prince” by Rachel Hauck:

    “It is said in the north country of Lauchtenland that the sea has a song and love blooms from the earth the same as flora and fauna.”

    1. I so want to read this one! It's on my wish list! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Happy Friday!!

    Today on my blog I'm sharing from The Christmas Visitor an Amish novella from Amy Grochowski! "After a long trek to the veterinarian's office, Mattie Beller was out of breath before she managed to push her scooter halfway up the steep hill to Annandale Farm."

    Have a lovely weekend!

  6. I’m sharing the first line from Finding Love for the Loner by Laurie Larsen on my blog which is “It was still dark out.” I hope you have a great weekend!
