
Friday, October 30, 2020

First Line Fridays: Panning for Love by Meg Cross Wenig

Happy Friday! 

First Line Fridays is hosted by Hoarding Books and participants share the first line from a nearby book.

Today, I'm sharing the first line from Panning for Love by Meg Cross Wenig.

"Anna, are you sure about this?" I asked my best friend through the phone.

Have you read Panning for Love? I'm hoping it will make it into my November reading. Book blurb below.

What are you reading this weekend? I'd love for you to share your book's first line!

Happy reading!

About the Book:

Maggie Carver found herself as the third wheel in her own relationship with a guy who was really good at living a double life—until he wasn’t. Since then, trust didn’t come easily. Two years later, her best friend convinced her to go live for a week in Summit Springs, an old mining town in Utah. In a historical reenactment experience, they would get to live as people did in 1866 during the Wild West. What Maggie didn’t plan on was falling for an outlaw from a wanted poster. 

For John, it was love at first sight. He and Maggie had a rare connection, and it wasn’t every day someone understood his humor. He never minded playing the part as livery owner by day and outlaw by night at Summit Springs—until now. His other job came with a nice paycheck, but people normally treated him differently when they found out about it. John didn’t want a thing to change between him and Maggie. 

Will Maggie let John steal her heart or will past fears foil the heist?

First Line Fridays hosted by Hoarding Books


  1. Happy Friday! My first line is from "When I'm with You" by Kimberly Rae Jordan:

    "Michael Reed's text alert chirped, disturbing the light sleep he'd been drifting in and out of since his alarm had gone off earlier."

  2. My first line is from HER SECRET SONG by Mary Connealy:
    “March 1874. Hope Mountain
    Near Bucksnort, Colorado near Grizzly Peak, Colorado
    Wax Misley was living a life that was going to kill him.”

  3. Happy Friday!

    Over on my blog I am sharing the first line of Rocky Mountain Revelation by Lisa J. Flickinger
    "A sharp squeal pierced the air, followed by a dull thud."

    Happy Weekend!!

  4. Happy Friday! 😀
    On my blog, I'm sharing from Forgiven Again by Gina Holder. I'm currently reading The Gentleman and the Thief by Sarah M. Even, so I'll share the first line from there.
    "Hollis Darby learned two things at the knee of his not-so-dear, long-departed, low-life, scoundrel of a father: how to gamble beyond what was advisable and how to be an utter disappointment to his family."
    I hope you have a great weekend! 🙂❤📚
