
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Epic Book Launch: A Convenient Risk by Sara R. Turnquist

About the Book

Book: A Convenient Risk
Author: Sara R. Turnquist
Genre: Clean Historical Romance
Release date: October 26, 2021

He never imagined her heart would be so hard to reach.

Forced into a marriage of convenience after her husband dies, Amanda Haynes is determined she will never love again. Not that it bothers Brandon Miller. He needs her husband’s cattle. She needs financial stability and long-term support for her son and herself. But she never expected to care so much about the running of the ranch.

Butting heads over the decisions of the ranch, only adds to her frustration. Her wellbeing is soon threatened as their lives become entangled with Billy the Kid and his gang.

What has she gotten herself into? What kind of man has she married? Is there any way out?


“Where were you?” A gruff voice greeted her.

She jerked in that direction.

The tall frame of the doctor filled the doorway to her bedroom. His scowl accused her.

“I needed some fresh air.”

He shook his head. Had she disappointed him? “You are needed in here.”

She nodded, lowering her gaze to the floor as she stepped toward him.

He held up his hands. “There’s no point now. He’s passed.”

“What?” It wasn’t possible.

The doctor moved past her, his shoulder grazing hers. “It was only a matter of time.”

Amanda’s heart stopped. Cold surrounded and pervaded her being. Her breath rushed out of her. Would she be able to draw in another? In time, it did come, but with it came the tears. There were more. After all.


Brandon Miller pushed the gate closed and secured it. Gazing out across the cattle, he frowned. Would his efforts be enough? He doubted it. All the wishing in the world would not pay the bank.

Shoving away from the fence, he turned toward the homestead. Time for lunch.

He slipped into the house and spotted his uncle hobbling across the room. Rushing over, he put an arm under the old man’s bad side. “Uncle Owen, you should have called Cook to help.”


Excerpt One:

Excerpt Two:

Excerpt Three:

Excerpt Four:

Excerpt Five:

Excerpt Six:

Excerpt Seven:


Sara is a coffee lovin’, word slinging, clean Historical Romance author whose super power is converting caffeine into novels. She loves those odd little tidbits of history that are stranger than fiction. That’s what inspires her. Well, that and a good love story.

But of all the love stories she knows, hers is her favorite. She lives happily with her own Prince Charming and their gaggle of minions. Three to be exact. They sure know how to distract a writer! But, alas, the stories must be written, even if it must happen in the wee hours of the morning.

Sara is an avid reader and also enjoys reading clean Historical Romance when she’s not traveling. Her books range from the Czech lands to the American Wild West and from ancient Egypt to the early 1900s. Some of her titles include The Lady BornekovaHope in Cripple Creek, The General’s WifeTrail of Fears, and the Convenient Risk Series.

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