
Friday, July 15, 2022

Movie Review & Giveaway: The Case for Heaven

Movie Synopsis:

We all want to know what happens after we die. In THE CASE FOR HEAVEN, best-selling author and investigative journalist Lee Strobel explores the evidence for the afterlife in order to address man’s biggest fear: death. 

Inspired by his own brush with death, Strobel searches for answers to the most profound questions we all have, about heaven, hell, and Near-Death Experiences. Featuring interviews with experts and skeptics, THE CASE FOR HEAVEN will challenge, encourage and inspire as Strobel dares to probe the most important question. If there is a heaven, can we prove it?

Watch the Trailer:

More about The Case for Heaven:

  • We are curious by nature. Taking on the big questions about heaven, hell and the afterlife, The Case For Heaven—a documentary based on the best-selling book by Lee Strobel—invites you to carefully investigate the knowable and respond with faith to the unknowable. 

  • Featuring interviews with best-selling author John Burke, world-renowned pastor Francis Chan, the late Evangelist Luis Palau and more. 

  • THE CASE FOR HEAVEN will be exclusively on Pure Flix starting July 15th! 

  • "Viewers will be surprised, captivated and encouraged by 'The Case for Heaven,' a beautiful and compelling film. It will dispel many of their misconceptions about the afterlife. I’m thrilled with the enthusiastic reception the documentary has received so far – and I can't wait for an even wider audience to experience it.” -Lee Strobel

  • Watch The Case for Heaven on Pure Flix today!

My Review:

The Case for Heaven tackles one of life’s biggest questions: What happens after death? Lately, this question feels less cut and dry than my childhood Sunday School lessons presented it. Based off Lee Strobel’s book, The Case for Heaven, the movie addresses this complicated topic by presenting the author’s research and conclusions. Strobel himself explains his thesis (that a person’s consciousness survives physical death) and draws on the stories of others to add validity to his supporting points.

The Case for Heaven’s three main arguments for life after death are: the Soul (or consciousness) of a person, Near Death Experiences (NDEs), and Jesus’ death, resurrection, and present-day work. I won’t spoil the movie by giving away all its content, but I will share my responses to the different parts. The first section about the Soul moved a bit slow to me and was the least engaging, but it laid the foundation for the rest of the movie. The section on NDEs fascinated me with the survivor stories, including one from a person who went to Hell. The final section about Jesus easily held my attention and encouraged my faith.

The Case for Heaven left me with feelings of sadness (because we are talking about death, the physical loss of loved ones) and hope (because the best really is yet to come for believers). I appreciated that the movie kept to Strobel’s thesis and essential points. It left out church culture and legalism, instead focusing on Jesus as most important. Diverse interviews with both believers and former believers added authenticity. The movie did not give a step-by-step plan of obtaining salvation, but left the watcher to consider the evidence and seek Jesus, the One in whom we find the true answers to our questions.

I’d happily rewatch The Case for Heaven. Though a handful of slow scenes felt like unnecessary filler, the movie intrigued me with its content and the fascinating topic of Heaven. Now I want to read the book. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Disclosure: Many thanks to Pure Flix for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own. 


One reader of this post will receive a 3-month subscription to Pure Flix. US only. Giveaway ends 07/21/2022 at 11:59 P. M. EST.

Enter by leaving a comment on this post that includes your name and email address.


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this and got something out ot it, Jolene. It does sounds like an inspiring movie.

    1. Inspiring and thought-provoking! I recommend it to anyone interested in heaven!

  2. Thank you for your review. We knew Lee and his wife before Lee was a christian. In fact he was fighting the Holy Spirit big time. Then when he found Christ and truly believed, everyone rejoiced so much. God has used this man greatly. I would love to see this movie. I have read the book and passed it on to others who where interested
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

    1. Thanks for sharing that Lori! I want to go read all his books now!

  3. This sounds really good! Thank you for the sharing the review!
