
Friday, June 9, 2023

Event Spotlight: Storyfest Epic Launch & Scavenger Hunt!

About the Event

Created with Christian Fiction Reader-Fans in mind: the 2023 ACFW Storyfest! Come be part of ACFW Storyfest (formerly the Christian Fiction Readers Retreat). It all takes place Thursday afternoon, August 24, 2023-Saturday, August 26, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency at the Arch in St. Louis, Missouri.

Come celebrate story and your favorite CF authors right on the premises of the ACFW conference—where hundreds of CF authors gather each year.

Learn more here!

More from a Participating Author!

Readers? Where on earth would we writers be without you? As I begin work on a new series, I don’t think I’ve ever been so appreciative of my readers. You, dear readers, are the reason I write. Without you, the words I labor over would never truly be given life. But with you, my stories become so much more than I ever dreamed they could be.

It’s rare that an author gets the chance to know whether her book has touched a life, whether a paragraph has helped a reader find direction for his or her own life, whether a novel brought back cherished memories or showed a reader how life could be with one small change of direction.

But when we do get that opportunity to hear from a reader through a review or an email or even better, meeting at a book signing or a special readers event like Storyfest, I’m not sure you understand how special that truly is for a writer.

For starters, I’m a reader too! Yes, I love to write and create my own stories, but before I was ever a writer, I was first—and still am—a voracious reader, eager to find the next story that will touch my heart, lift my spirits, and connect me with all the others out there who “get” what it means to love story. That is still a connection I treasure and, especially as an extrovert, I’m not sure I could continue to do what it takes to write a book if I didn’t have the blessing of getting to meet with the very reasons I write!

—Deborah Raney

Missed Any Excerpts?

What Authors Are Participating?

Sami Abrams, Kate Angelo, Pepper Basham, Laurel Blount, Sara Brunsvold, Colleen Coble, Sara Davison, Lynette Eason, Loretta Eidson, Joni M. Fisher, Liana George, Sarah Hamaker, Sarah Hanks, Rebecca Hemlock, Pam Hillman, Angela Hunt, Denise Hunter, Kelly Irvin, Dana R. Lynn, Tracey Lyons, Joy K. Massenburge, Nancy Mehl, Shaen Mehl, Dana Mentink, Robin Caroll, Dineen Miller, DiAnn Mills, Carol Moncado, Lenora Worth, Mindy Obenhaus, Candice Sue Patterson, Lisa Phillips, Deborah Raney, Shannon Redmon, Terri Reed, Helena Smrcek, Betsy St Amant, Brandy Heineman, Melanie Stevenson, Carrie Turansky, Marilyn Turk, Kathleen Turner, Darlene L. Turner, Virginia Vaughan, John Walker, and Kimberley Woodhouse.

Scavenger Hunt / Giveaway

The authors are hosting a scavenger hunt and giveaway! The letter you need from me is "H".

Grand prize: Registration to Storyfest (in the event the winner can’t attend, they will receive a large tote of books and a swag bag)

1st place prize: A bundle of books and Storyfest tote.


  1. So happy to be going to St. Louis to meet readers of Christian fiction! I might be a new-to-you author, but I hope to change that at ACFW StoryFest 2023.

  2. I'm so excited to go to my first StoryFest! See you there.

  3. Pam Hillman pamhillman.comJune 24, 2023 at 2:24 PM

    Enjoying the scavenger hunt and reading these vignettes from some of my favorite authors. Deb, I'm with you on one thing for sure: I was a reader first, a writer second.

    Jolene, thank you for being part of the scavenger hunt! I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts. Hope to see you at Storyfest!!
