Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Author Interview: Anything by Kristina Welch

Anything JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Anything by Kristina Welch, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book


Title: Anything: A Romance for Jesus Freaks
Series: Mayberry University Series #1
Kristina Welch
Independently Published
Release Date: February 1, 2025
Christian YA Romance

​​Two guarded hearts. He’s breaking down walls and she’s building them higher. A match made in Heaven, or a blueprint for disaster? 

After the fiery downward spiral of senior year, Kit Talbot crash-lands on a quirky college campus where traditions rule and dorm floors act more like family. It’s just weird enough to keep her mind off the wreckage she’s leaving behind. 

Enter Levi Whitaker, known as the swooniest guy on campus. Magnetic, confident, and far too much like the ex who sent her life into that PTSD-tainted nosedive. Levi seems to be everywhere, focused on her like she’s the only girl in the world—even indulging her sugar addiction with delivered treats. But Kit’s self-preservation instincts are sharper than ever, and she deflects him like Wonder Woman blocking bullets. 

That is, until Levi’s quiet faith and humble apology start to break down Kit’s defenses. He loves Jesus in the dreamiest way, looks like wow, and ... somehow triggers the flashbacks she fights so hard to avoid. Every minute with him is a risk she isn’t sure she should take. Should she protect them both from the chaos of her life or learn a bravery that feels irresponsible? 

As Kit fights to keep her life safe and manageable, she leans into her faith, clinging to the Bible verses God whispers to her heart. Clearly, he’s up to something, but the healing she prays for isn’t happening the way she wants.  

Why is God silent on the prayer she needs most?  

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub


Haymitch interrupts my thoughts. “How ’bout you, Jeeves? You been here two years. What’s your take on Texas?”

“I think the barbecue here is the best I’ve ever had,” Levi says.

“Preach,” Austin says.

“The brisket is some’n else,” Haymitch agrees. “Wish I could introduce you to ‘Bama White Sauce though.”

“Let’s make it happen.” Levi says.

“Christmas break? Maybe we can drag Samwise away from his family for a couple o’ days.” “If you can convince Janie,” Austin says.

“Janie?” Sophie asks.

“My baby sister.”

“He don’t like tellin’ his sister no,” Haymitch says to us.

“Aw,” Sophie says to Austin. “You’re a softie.”

“She’s, what, seventeen now?” Haymitch asks.

“Nearly. She’s still a baby.” Austin sends a look to Haymitch, who raises his hands in innocence.

“Janie won’t like it,” Levi says to us, “but convincing her might be within our power.” “You could sell a megaphone to a mime, Jeeves,” Austin says.

Haymitch sputters a laugh.

“We’ve hung out with her at The Farm many times,” Levi explains.

“It’s not actually a farm,” Austin says to us.

“It’ll always be The Farm,” Levi says.

Every time he speaks, his smooth voice is a magnet pulling me back, forcing my gaze to him. Each time, it’s a zap of pleasure I can’t afford. Sophie dives in headfirst, but I can’t. Not after Aiden. No matter how kind or gentle Levi seems, I have to make better choices this time. Desperate for a distraction, I turn to Mia. “How are your sisters?”

Maybe she can anchor me back to solid ground.

About the Author

Kristina Welch
Photo by Brooke Ashlee Photography

When Kristina Welch isn't adventuring around the world with her husband and three little blondies, she's home near Denver, Colorado. She thrives on date nights, forest hikes, and peanut butter cookies. Her days include half-homeschooling her kids, thrifting for treasures, regretting DIY home projects, and babbling to Jesus wherever she is.

Connect with Kristina by visiting kristinawelchauthor.com to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Author Interview

Q: What inspired you to write Anything?

Kristina: Anything began as a fascination with stories—what makes them compelling, what makes them dissatisfying, and which relationships are worth reading about. I knew I wanted to write about young love. I find it tragically underrated. When a person’s First Love is saved for the right person and held onto for life, I believe there’s a unique, God-given blessing in it. I married my high school sweetheart, and I like him more than ever. Of course, love stories don’t unfold that way for everyone—or even most—but plenty of novels already exist about finding love in your late twenties and thirties.

More than anything, I wanted to write a story that imitates real faith—what prayer actually looks like, the nudges of the Holy Spirit, the experience of asking and not hearing back right away, and the prophetic words from friends that seem insignificant at the time. Hindsight reveals glimpses of God’s kind and intricate orchestration in our lives, and I wanted to capture that.

I also wanted my writing to feel like real life. Some of my favorite TV shows influenced my style and voice. Gilmore Girls and Psych are enduring favorites for my husband and me. Despite content that frustrates us and leads to fast-forwarding, there’s something magic about the banter, the pop culture references (most of which I don’t even understand), and the permanent relationships. That might be why Anything has both a mother-daughter duo and a bromance—I guess I couldn’t help myself.

When pitching my story, I was told that pop culture references would date my book, that it couldn’t endure. Maybe so. But Gilmore Girls and Psych prove to me that pop culture references make a story feel real. And even 15 years later, I still enjoy every minute of their fast-paced, reference-soaked dialogue.

Q:  How long did it take to write this book?

Kristina: When I sat down to write it, I was sucked into a bizarre whirlwind. For days—then weeks—my brain couldn’t seem to do anything but write. If you’ve read the Miss Buncle Series, it was something like that. (Unrelatedly, I love her.) I barely ate or slept, completely consumed by characters and scenes. Since then, I’ve had to learn how to tone it down for the sake of my poor family.

I wrote about 60,000 words in ten days and then submitted the manuscript for its first round of formal editing about a month later. But the story has transformed considerably since then. It took a full year of editing—both formal and informal—for the results of my manic typing to develop into a completed novel.

Q:  What surprised you while researching/writing this novel?

Kristina: As I wrote, fear unexpectedly became a central theme. God was already teaching me about trust, but I didn’t know how deeply I would need to learn it. After finishing edits—when publishing should have been the next step—my family and I traveled to Israel. While we were there, war broke out. Missiles flying, violence creeping closer, and our three little kids stuck there with us. Suddenly, I wasn’t just writing about trust and prayer—I was living it.

In that 72 hours of danger, I experienced something far greater—God's kindness and orchestration. Miracle after miracle. Answered prayer after answered prayer. He cared for my family in unforgettable ways. When we returned home, I revisited my manuscript, prepared to weave in a deeper, firsthand understanding of trust, fear, and God’s mysterious presence.

Q: Do you have a favorite quote from Anything?

Kristina: I should probably pick something meaningful, but a recent review mentioned this line:

"No need for aerobic exercise. Talking to Levi is all I need to maintain optimal heart health.”

Along those lines, younger brother Mav is so much fun to write. Like this part:

“Tune in next week …” Great, it’s Mav’s TV narrator impression. “To see Kit realize how incredible her eldest brother is and lavish praise on him rather than sarcasm.” He sits up, and I know he’s about to imitate my voice. “Mav, you’re a stellar brother. I wish I had shared more Halloween candy with you. I left you with only Laffy Taffy and Starburst when you had braces, and I’m all torn up about it. As penance, I’m going to come home every month and do your chores and write your papers and fan you with a palm leaf.”

Q:  When did you first know you wanted to be an author?

Kristina: In those first few months of writing this book, I experienced God in a special way. He was right there with me. I’d ask Him, What next? I’d tell Him I must be crazy for doing this. I’d talk to Him about how impossible it all was—even as I kept going. And through it all, He made it clear that He cared, that He was listening.

In October 2023, five months into the process, my husband and I were hiking in Breckenridge, Colorado. The millions of aspens and their bright gold leaves shimmering in the sunlight are stunning that time of year. As we hiked, we talked about my writing, we prayed. And in that moment, I felt one of those quiet whispers from God. I think He said, “Ask me to use it.” I hesitated—hard. But then I did. No telling what He had in mind.

Just now, writing this, I’m realizing that was three days before we flew to Israel. Is that relevant? I honestly don’t know.

Q:  Would you share something about yourself that most readers wouldn’t know?

Kristina: I’m obsessed with music, especially when it’s written by fellow Jesus freaks. I’m not a musician—that’s my brother, and most of my extended family. But I relate hard to songs. I take them seriously and hold onto them like friends. I look up lyrics and enjoy them like poetry. My little kids are fully indoctrinated and can sing the lyrics of Forrest Frank and KB like pros. I had so much fun compiling a “soundtrack” for Anything (kristinawelchauthor.com/extras) with songs that get at the heart of the story—Levi’s side and Kit’s.

Q:  What are you currently reading?

Kristina: I’m always reading some kind of Christian non-fiction. Right now, it’s Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer. My husband and I already listened to his sermon series on it, but I love it, and it’s material I need to revisit.

I have phases with fiction. Yesterday I started Bridge to Haven by Francine Rivers, but I think I’ll come back around to it. Rivers is a master, but I don’t have enough emotional energy for the heavy themes right now.

Q:  What is your favorite genre to read?

Kristina: Not a genre, but I love Katherine Center and Georgette Heyer right now. I’m also looking for a new Christian rom com author to learn from.

Q: What is your favorite hobby?

Kristina: Besides writing, I love teaching myself Illustrator. I’ve had the best time making covers for my books.

Q: What is your favorite season and why?

Kristina: All I can think is that the perfect date is April 25th—all you need is a light jacket. ☺

But picking one season is tough—I’m spoiled in Colorado with beautiful versions of each. Instead of picking just one, I’d say I love the transitions.

Fall to winter—the first snow.

Winter to spring—green peeking through.

Spring to summer—school ending, life feeling free.

Summer to fall—crisp mornings, leaves starting to turn.

There’s so much beauty in the start of something new.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will receive a Book Hugger’s Bundle of leather bookmarks, Christian stickers, book tabs, reading light, signed copy of Anything, and a $25 B&N gift card!

(1) winner will receive a College Life Bundle of a notebook, pens, sticky notes, popcorn, mug, signed copy of Anything, and a $20 Starbucks gift card!

(1) winner will receive a Devo Time Bundle of a Bible, highlighters, book tabs, tea lights, signed copy of Anything, and a $25 Etsy gift card!

Anything blog tour giveaway JustRead Tours

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight February 24, 2025 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on March 3, 2025. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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JustRead Publicity Tours

Monday, February 24, 2025

Book Review: Darkness Calls the Tiger by Janyre Tromp

About the Book:

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Imperial Japan devours the southern portion of Burma, intent on taking over mainland Asia. Unaware of the coming darkness, Kailyn Moran drifts in her role as the only daughter of a widowed missionary.

As whispers of war snake through the Kachin mountains, Kai's father is convinced God will protect the mission. He entrusts the village to her and the kind yet inexperienced new missionary, Ryan McDonough, while he makes routine visits to neighboring villages.

War descends like a tempest upon the mountain peaks, and an unbreakable bond forms between Kailyn and Ryan as they unite to provide solace to both villagers and the flood of refugees. Despite their tireless efforts, a brutal enemy shatters almost everything they love, pushing Kailyn to embark on a path of unrestrained vengeance.

Afraid he's losing the woman he loves, Ryan fights to protect Kai from the deadly consequences of her choices. But in the face of destruction, can he convince her of the power and freedom of forgiveness?

Read an excerpt on Kregel Publishers' website.

My Thoughts:

Darkness Calls the Tiger by Janyre Tromp gave me a book hangover, and I had to put fiction aside for about two weeks afterward. This novel gripped my attention and my emotions as I connected on a gut-deep level with Kai. I have known that deep pain, so searing that it can overtake and lead to reckless behavior. Kai’s motives and journey of female rage and revenge (which rarely appears in the Christian fiction market) felt understandable and authentic.

Although I plowed quickly through Darkness Calls the Tiger, it was not an easy read. Terrible things happened as the realities of war unfolded. The story may be too dark for some readers, particularly if self-harm, violence, and sexual assault are triggers. Still, the story holds redeeming elements that elevate it beyond a tragic tale of loss and war. Ryan’s devotion to Kai was perfection, even when she didn’t think so. Bits of forgiveness and sacrificial love emerge throughout the story until they culminate near the end as powerful themes in the novel.

Darkness Calls the Tiger by Janyre Tromp will be on my list of top 2025 reads. Tromp is a seasoned editor who has written a potent story with flowing prose, a fresh setting (the jungles of Burma during WW2), and a daring heroine. Five stars!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a copy of this book by the author or publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Movie Review: The Unbreakable Boy (In Theaters Now)

About the Movie:

From Kingdom Story Company, the team behind JESUS REVOLUTION and THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER, and Lionsgate, the studio behind WONDER, comes THE UNBREAKABLE BOY.

When his parents, Scott (Zachary Levi) and Teresa (Meghann Fahy), learn that Austin is both autistic and has brittle bone disease, they initially worry for their son’s future. But with Scott’s growing faith and Austin’s incredible spirit, they become “unbreakable,” finding joy, gratitude, and courage even in the most trying times — an extraordinary true story about a father and son learning together that every day can be the best day of your life!

👉 Watch this moving family film in theaters starting February 21! ðŸ‘ˆ

Movie Trailer:

My Thoughts:

I enjoyed watching The Unbreakable Boy, and I would watch it again. The movie presented good messages about persevering through hard times and choosing to love those around us well. The story wrapped these themes in a narrative that held humor while dealing with serious issues and heavy moments. Austin’s relentless joy and embracing of life made the movie hopeful. The autism representation was well done, and I think this could be a good movie to introduce autism awareness, particularly for those who do not have any personal experience with autistic individuals.

The Unbreakable Boy is a movie about family, but it is not necessarily suitable for all ages. My personal parenting style would put this as appropriate for tweens and older due to intense moments and poor behaviors. Topics such as unplanned pregnancy, alcohol addiction, medical issues, and bullying appear. For those wondering about faith elements in The Unbreakable Boy, some church attendance was shown, but it was not an overtly faith-based movie. Four stars!

Many thanks to Kingdom Faith Marketing Services for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

Ticket Information:

Buy tickets today to see The Unbreakable Boy in theaters starting February 21! Purchase at: https://theunbreakableboy.movie/


Enter to win a $10 Amazon gift card and one Fandango code to use toward seeing THE UNBREAKABLE BOY in theaters. Limited to US residents only. Enter by leaving your full name and email address in a comment on this post. Giveaway ends 02/23/2025.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Author Interview: Duets by Jordan Saez

Duets JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Duets by Jordan Saez, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book


Title: Duets
Series: Honeybrook High (prequel novella)
Jordan Saez
Independently Published
Release Date:
February 2025
Christian YA Fiction

No one gets me at all, except for Hester. And she’s not even real. She’s a woman from the 1800s, but she totally understands what it’s like to hide love. So, she’d understand why hiding text messages is super important. But, since my dad became a Christian and all, I have to be super careful. But my parents are hiding things too, like why my mom is riding the struggle bus while she’s expecting my baby brother or why dad is talking to the other woman at the office.  

GET A COPY OF THIS FREE NOVELLA: sign up for the author's newsletter  

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Everand | Amazon | AppleBooks

More Books In This Series


I was working diligently on my history homework that afternoon, when a new young guy walked past my window. I nearly dropped my book. Woah. The office got a huge update. A tall, dark haired college guy walked into Mom’s office wearing a blazer, slacks, and the biggest smile I’d ever seen. If I could see that from my school room, I knew he had to be amazing up close. I stood from my chair to get a better look, but tried to think of a reason to be in Mom’s office. Not that I was officially crushing or anything, I just needed to, well, at least see him up close. (Candy)

About the Author

Jordan Saez

Jordan Saez is a God-lover, author, and avid reader. She thinks that chocolate should totally be considered healthy! When she's not writing stories, you can find her watching movies with her family (and eating chocolate) or baking homemade goodies (with chocolate!)

Connect with Jordan by signing up for her newsletter or following her on Instagram or TikTok.

Author Interview

Q: What inspired you to write Duets?

Jordan: I always believe that Jesus inspires my writing and in writing Duets, I was blessed with the opportunity to really get to know my characters before the actual novel.

Q: How long did it take to write this book?

Jordan: It took me about one month to write Duets.

Q: What surprised you while researching/writing this novel?

Jordan: I learned a lot about my characters in Duets. I learned about how deeply Rob cares for Leslie and how Candy really loves her family and music. I had to do a lot of research around Leslie and her pregnancy since her pregnancy is challenging.

Q: Do you have a favorite quote from Duets?

Jordan: “A tiny, excited wave flew across my heart. Someday I would. I knew it. And the two of us would make our own duet someday, because that was love, right? Two people that love each other for real, no matter what, no secrets.”

Q: When did you first know you wanted to be an author?

Jordan: I’ve wanted to be an author ever since I was about eight!

Q: Would you share something about yourself that most readers wouldn’t know?

Jordan: I’m a musician like Candy! I play the piano and violin.

Q: What are you currently reading?

Jordan: I’m really enjoying my current read Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado.

Q:What is your favorite genre to read?

Jordan: Even though I like Christian self-help, my favorite is always Christian fiction.

Q: What is your favorite hobby?

Jordan: Hobby? What are those? I like to collect signed editions of books from other Christian authors, like Robin Jones Gunn, Karen Kingsbury, and the like.

Q: What is your favorite season and why?

Jordan: I like the fall, mostly because it’s my birthday season, but also because it’s not too freezing and not too hot.

Tour Giveaway

(5) winners will receive a $10 gift card to their choice of either Amazon or Spotify!

Duets blog tour giveaway JustRead Tours

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight February 18, 2025 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on February 25, 2025. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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JustRead Publicity Tours

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Book Spotlight: The Novel Adventures of Natalie Daughtry by Susan L. Tuttle

The Novel Adventures of Natalie Daughtry JustRead Takeover + Review Blitz

Welcome to the Takeover + Review Blitz for The Novel Adventures of Natalie Daughtry by Susan L. Tuttle hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

The Novel Adventures of Natalie Daughtry 

Title: The Novel Adventures of Natalie Daughtry 
Series: Treasures of Halstead Manor 
Author: Susan L. Tuttle 
Publisher: Kregel Publications 
Release Date: March 18, 2025 
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Adventure 

In pursuit of a rare book, will Natalie and Mason find each other again? 

With her twenty-plus-year marriage on the brink of collapse, bookish Natalie Daughtry immerses herself in her new bookstore job. When the mysterious Caspar gathers Natalie and her friends Everleigh and Brooke for the second time, she's ready for an adventure to disperse the turmoil clouding her marriage. Caspar enlists their help in searching for a rumored copy of Lewis Carroll's handwritten and illustrated manuscript of Alice's Adventures Under Ground. Natalie is immediately enticed--this is the perfect distraction. 

But then Mason joins the team, and suddenly Natalie and her husband are side-by-side on the search for this elusive treasure. Being forced to work together has them tumbling deep into their past, seeking answers to old misunderstandings. When they emerge from the rabbit hole, things aren't the same. Will they rediscover the love that once held the pages of their life together?

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Kregel Publications | Amazon | Barnes & NobleChristianbook


She’d been lied to.

Absence did not, in fact, make the heart grow fonder. In Natalie Daughtry’s experience, it only made it cooler and more detached. At least that was what seemed to be occurring between her and her husband of almost twenty-three years.

Natalie sighed as she slowed for a stop sign. After she’d left two voicemails on this sunny Friday morning, Mason had finally called while she was on her way to her new job. “It’s fine, Mason. There’s no sense driving home if you’d simply have to head back there Sunday for another game should you win tonight.” Though most of the boys on his high school team and their families planned to make the two-hour return drive from Peoria.

“If gas prices weren’t so high . . .”

Natalie’s mind drifted while Mason offered his excuses. There’d been a time when he’d been a broke college student who’d scrounge up change to drive three hours to see her. True, their bank account now wasn’t plump by any means—thanks to two sons in college and their move back to Kenton Corners, Illinois, which had required giving up her dream career—but they certainly weren’t hurting so badly that they couldn’t afford a tank of gas.

Seemed what Mason couldn’t afford was to spend time with her. Though he had no problem investing oodles of it with his teams. Ironic, since he used to call her his number one teammate.

More Books from this Series

The Rare Jewel of Everleigh Wheaton

About the Author

Susan L. Tuttle

Susan L. Tuttle is a pastor's wife, mom, and the director of women's ministry at her church near Grand Rapids, Michigan. Her previous work includes the Along Came Love series, and the Carol Award finalist Love You, Truly.

Connect with Susan by visiting susanltuttle.com to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will receive a signed copy of The Novel Adventures of Natalie Daughtry and a $25 Amazon gift card!

The Novel Adventures of Natalie Daughtry JustRead Giveaway

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway began at midnight February 19, 2025 and lasts through 11:59 PM EST on February 26, 2025. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

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JustRead Publicity Tours

Friday, February 14, 2025

Book Spotlight: Grandma Ruth Doesn’t Go To Funerals by Sharon Mondragon

Grandma Ruth Doesn't Go to Funerals JustRead Takeover + Review Blitz

Welcome to the Takeover + Review Blitz for Grandma Ruth Doesn’t Go To Funerals by Sharon Mondragon hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Title: Grandma Ruth Doesn’t Go To Funerals
Author: Sharon Mondragon
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Release Date: February 11, 2025
Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Something is brewing in Raeburne's Ferry, Georgia--and it's not sweet tea.

In a small town where gossip flows, bedridden Mary Ruth McCready reigns supreme, doling out wisdom and meddling in everyone's business with a fervor that would make a matchmaker blush. When her best friend has her world rocked by a scandalous revelation from her dying husband, Mary Ruth kicks into high gear, commandeering the help of her favorite granddaughter, Sarah Elizabeth, in tracking down the truth. Finding clues in funeral condolence cards and decades-old gossip dredged up at the Blue Moon Beauty Emporium, the two stir up trouble faster than you can say "pecan pie." 

But just when things are starting to look up, a blast from the past waltzes in with an outrageous claim. But as Grandma Ruth always says when things get tough, "God is too big." With him, nothing is impossible--even bringing long-held secrets to light. Grandma Ruth and Sarah just might have to ruffle a whole mess of feathers to do it.

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Kregel Publications | Amazon | Barnes & NobleChristianbook


Grandma Ruth doesn’t go to funerals.

It’s not that she gets squeamish or weak-kneed at the sight of a friend or relative laid out. She takes an avid interest in every detail of the deceased, from the tie they put on third cousin twice removed Billy Ray to how Harriet Tilson’s hair turned out. Nor is it that she lacks respect for those who have gone on to glory before her. Grandma Ruth is the kind of person to whom you do not criticize your mother. And it’s not that she prefers to stay at home and watch Jeopardy! Instead. Grandma Ruth is bedridden—has been for the past three years. Much as she would like to, Grandma Ruth isn’t going anywhere.

I am Sarah Elizabeth, Grandma Ruth’s favorite granddaughter. Being her favorite is a dubious honor. It means I’m her favorite to go to the store and buy birthday cards, visit her shut-in friends, and, you guessed it, attend funerals in her place.

Looking back, I realize I’ve been training for funeral duty for quite a while. When I was ten, she taught me how to make macaroni and cheese from scratch to take by the home of the bereaved for the reception. By the time I was eleven, I had learned to write a tasteful and heartfelt condolence note. I attended my first funeral at twelve. (Grandma Ruth wanted to take me sooner, but Mama put her foot down and prevailed for once.) Now that I’m twenty-four, Grandma Ruth considers me not only fully qualified but socially obligated to take her place since she can’t get out anymore. I don’t think I’ve missed a single funeral in Raeburne’s Ferry, Georgia, since she took to her bed.

About the Author

Sharon Mondragon

Sharon J. Mondragón is a Southern girl at heart, having spent most of her adult life where tea is sweet and mac and cheese is a vegetable. Settled in Midlothian, Texas, she writes, facilitates the prayer shawl ministry at her church, and teaches at the local yarn shop. She's the author of the Purls and Prayers series, and her work has earned recognition from The Saturday Evening Post, ACFW, Foreword INDIES, and the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.

Connect with Sharon by visiting sharonjmondragon.com to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will receive a signed copy of Grandma Ruth Doesn’t Go To Funerals and a $25 Amazon gift card!

Grandma Ruth Doesn't Go to Funerals JustRead Giveaway

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway began at midnight February 12, 2025 and lasts through 11:59 PM EST on February 19, 2025. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

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JustRead Publicity Tours

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Author Interview: Right Before Their Eyes by Carrie Walker

Right Before Their Eyes JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Right Before Their Eyes by Carrie Walker, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Right Before Their Eyes

Title: Right Before Their Eyes
Faith Endures #2
Carrie Walker
Mountain Brook Ink
Release Date: February 5, 2025
Genre: Romantic Women's Fiction

Sometimes the love you need most looks different than you imagined. 

Clare Martin thought nothing of agreeing to live with her dementia-ridden grandmother when her parents left on mission. Balancing that with her job as a social worker and the expectations of her career-driven boyfriend proved doable—until Grandma started a house fire. 

Mason Hughes has loved Clare for years, but the time was never right to tell her and now she’s dating someone else, fixing Mason firmly in the friend zone. He’s working to be a pediatric neurologist, a dream inspired by a special boy with a terminal brain condition and must choose a medical school. Finances are so tight he’s forced to consider a program across the country, a troubling fact he’s kept secret. 

Lucia Roberts, a seventeen-year-old on Clare’s caseload, loses her foster home and is placed in an unwelcoming group home. At every turn she’s met with rejection and becomes desperate for any proof she has value—enough to make choices that could affect the rest of her life. 

When Grandma Dottie and Lucia's paths take a dangerous turn, Clare frantically tries to save them. As their lives knit together, will they find the love that’s right before their eyes?  

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub

More Books In This Series


Tightness stretched across Mason’s chest. Time for the serious talk. He lifted Theo onto his lap, and they cuddled on the hammock. With his arms wrapped around the boy’s slender body, Mason held his small hands and played with his fingers. Theo’s warmth washed over him as his chest rose and fell.

Mason took in a long, shaky breath and released it. “Theo, buddy . . . you know I never want to leave you, right?”


“Thing is, I’ve been working hard to be a doctor, so I can help kids like you. You inspired me to do that.” He pursed his lips, and his vision blurred. “Well, I’ve applied to medical school. That’s doctor school. I’m kinda scared where it’ll lead.”

He rotated Theo so he could see his face. He had to see his eyes. So trusting, so peaceful. “I applied to the University of Minnesota’s Medical School, and I hope it works out because I could still live at home and see you all the time. Nothing would change.” He studied the boy and his quiet way.

“But doctor school is super expensive. Way more than college. I already sold my car and took another job to help pay for tuition.” Mason swallowed. “Most of my friends graduated last year, because I took classes at the rate I could afford them.”

The next words stuck in his throat. He hadn’t spoken them to anyone who might offer an opinion—that would make them real.

“I also applied to a school in . . . New York. My counselor pushed me to apply in case the University of Minnesota doesn’t work out. They have a pilot program for full-paid tuition, but it's far away. Our park days probably wouldn’t happen very often if I go there.”

There. He’d said it.

About the Author

Carrie Walker

Carrie Walker is an award-winning author who lives in Michigan with her husband and seven children. As an avid reader, she pens what she loves to read, stories that bring hope to a hurting world. Besides writing, Carrie enjoys board games, time with family and counting down the days ’til Christmas.

Connect with Carrie by visiting carriewalkerwrites.com to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Author Interview

What inspired you to write Right Before Their Eyes?

Carrie: I always envisioned Emma’s Hero to be the first book in a three-book series. I wanted to show the growth of Mason’s character from a troubled teen into adulthood, and the underscore of how this baby counted out by doctors changed the world . . . even years later. For this story specifically, Mason and Clare walked on the page from Emma’s Hero and told me their story. The part that came as inspiration was Lucia’s storyline. With Clare working as a social worker I felt it was important to dive into the story of teens in the foster care system, and I really wanted to show Lucia’s character from her point of view, to walk through her struggles with her and learn. To see how sometimes the lowest points in our lives can lead to such transformation and even saving times in other’s lives.

Q: How long did it take to write this book?

Carrie: I drafted the book in a few months, but it took some editing after beta readers to polish it. I’d say about six months in all–much faster than my first novel!

Q: What surprised you while researching/writing this novel?

Carrie: I was lucky enough to have a friend who worked as a social worker in the foster care system. She was so generous with her time answering my many questions. I learned so many surprising things from her. For example, that most kids don’t have working cell phones. They may have an unactivated one, but it would only function in WiFi areas. Also, that children in group homes are not necessarily forced to go to school. There is a policy that they will go to school, but if they do not there is often not enforcement of it. So many of the stories she would share with me were surprising as well, but those would fill a page.

Q: Do you have a favorite quote from Right Before Their Eyes?

Carrie: “One moment can change the entire trajectory of your life.” This is shared in a conversation at a point in time where Lucia questions if she should invest her heart in a family that may not last long. And I think it's so important, because sometimes we wonder if something is worth the effort if it’s only going to be a short-term thing. We can’t discount what God can do with a few weeks or months when sometimes a single moment can change your life forever.

Q: When did you first know you wanted to be an author?

Carrie: I’ve been a reader all my life, and as a reader I think there’s probably always that tickling in the back of your mind “maybe I could write a book.” But seeking to be an author wasn’t something I set out to do. God gave me the story idea for my debut, Emma’s Hero, and it absolutely wouldn’t leave me alone. In drafting that story, I realized I loved to write and here we are :)

Q: Would you share something about yourself that most readers wouldn’t know?

Carrie: At one point in time I had 3 huskies and 3 children under two and a half years old :).

Q: What are you currently reading?

Carrie: I’m almost done with Loyally Luke by Pepper Basham. It’s such a fun and easy read.

Q: What is your favorite genre to read?

Carrie: My favorite are books that kinda ride the line between Women’s Fiction and Romance. I enjoy a strong thread of romance, but love some extra depth to the storyline.

Q: What is your favorite hobby?

Carrie: I really enjoy playing board games (we have two closets filled!) and my husband and I recently started playing pickleball and it’s quickly becoming a favorite passtime.

Q: What is your favorite season and why?

Carrie: Fall. I love the cooler weather, the changing color of the leaves, bonfires and football and the approaching holidays.

Tour Giveaway

(2) winners will each receive a print copy of Right Before Their Eyes as well as a $20 Amazon gift card!

Right Before Their Eyes JustRead Tours blog tour giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight February 11, 2025 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on February 18, 2025. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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JustRead Publicity Tours

Friday, February 7, 2025

Author Interview: Misgivings by Anne Gibson

Misgivings JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Misgivings by Anne Gibson, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book


Title: Misgivings
Author: Anne Gibson
Independently Published
Release Date:
September 2, 2024
Genre: Contemporary Christian Romance

Desperate to avoid the turmoil that now engulfs her, Dee would do anything for a chance to turn back time. Wracked with regret and paralyzed by fear, she is forced to hide halfway across the world, all in a bid to safeguard the one person she holds most dear. If only she could undo the past and prevent this disastrous situation from ever unfolding. 

After waiting five long years, Luke thought he was finally making progress in his relationship with Dee. But just as she begins to open up and trust him, she suddenly vanishes, leaving him bewildered and determined to uncover the truth behind her sudden disappearance.  

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub


Luke smiled, still unable to believe that the woman he loved finally surrendered to the Lord. For five years he prayed and finally God answered his prayers. With Dee complete in Christ he loved her even more.

“I just thought it would be easier.” Dee broke into his thoughts. “God took so much pain and fear away when I was in the mountains. I thought it would last. But here, with Dylan...” she sighed, frustrated with how afraid she had become.

“The Bible doesn’t promise that it will get easier. In fact, quite often it gets harder.”

Dee’s eyes grew large. “But why? If God loves us...”

Luke cut off that thought. “It’s because there is a war between good and bad. You made a huge decision and the enemy hates you for choosing the right side. Quite often the enemy tries to make life harder in order to scare you away from your initial decision.”

“Then why do people remain Christians?”

“Because life is hard either way. It’s just much harder without Christ.”

About the Author

Anne Gibson

Award-winning author Anne Gibson is blessed to call the stunning Canadian Rockies home. When she isn't penning her stories, she relishes time in nature—hiking, paddling, and basking in the sun at the beach alongside her family and beloved furball. A true romantic at heart, Anne often finds herself curled up with an engaging book, dreaming up her own captivating love stories.

Connect with Anne by visiting authorannegibson.com to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Author Interview

What inspired you to write Misgivings?

Anne: I always have ideas floating through my head. Usually, my ideas stick around for a week, I’ll write them down if they have any merit, and then I move on to dreaming up another idea. The idea for Misgivings was one that I kept coming back to and it would stick for a long time. It evolved from a basic plotline (this happened, then that happened, then this happened and things got really exciting) to characters who have personalities, relationships, and dilemmas.

At that time, abuse was heavy on my heart. I remember sitting in a university class and hearing a statistic that 1 in 4 women had suffered from some form of abuse. I looked at all the women in my class, counted 1-2-3-4, and imagined every fourth woman being a victim of abuse. No one “looked” abused, but how would I know? Every time I was in the grocery store, there was a chance that an abuse victim was in my midst. Even in my church, there was the likelihood that someone sitting near me was a victim of abuse. Yet, no one was talking about it. This was years ago, and now the statistic is closer to 1 in 3 women. I wanted to write a character that women could silently identify with: a character who suffered and struggled, a character who found hope despite the odds being against her, and a character who found a way to trust Christ after someone broke their trust. Even more importantly, I wanted to write a story about a God who cares, a God who is in control, and a God who saves.

Q: How long did it take to write this book?

Anne: My first draft didn’t take too long at all. I was put on bed rest with my first pregnancy and I had a lot of time on my hands. I think it took about 6 weeks (my first draft was a thorough draft) and then I spent a few weeks revising and editing.

Q: What surprised you while researching/writing this novel?

Anne: The ending wasn’t what I originally imagined. I started writing with a vivid idea of how the wedding rehearsal drama would unfold. I had details and characters mapped out in my mind extensively. But the middle of the story (in my mind) was just a few plot points, and the ending was happy but not thought out in detail.

Q: Do you have a favorite quote from Misgivings?

Anne: Dee starts to have an ah-ha moment when Luke says, “Perhaps the problem is that you trust me when you need to trust God.”

Q: When did you first know you wanted to be an author?

Anne: When I was 4 and learning how to write my letters, I took my Cinderella storybook and copied it out word for word. I declared I wanted to be an author. A week later I declared I wanted to be a ballerina, and the week after I wanted to be an artist. In grade three I remember writing a story and very shyly giving it to my teacher, asking her if she would read it and tell me what she thought. Over the years there were lots of things I wanted to be (teacher, make-up artist, actress, missionary) but when I graduated high school I decided to stick with my strengths and study film, thinking I wanted to write for TV. Within a year I switched from film to English. There was a lot of flip-flopping, but I always came back to writing.

Q: Would you share something about yourself that most readers wouldn’t know?

Anne: I live in Canada. I grew up in the prairies but moved to the mountains a few years ago. I love being outside if I’m not reading. I like hiking, gardening, swimming, paddleboarding/canoeing, and hanging out on the beach. I don’t like to cook. I homeschool my kids and I am very much a dog person!

Q: What are you currently reading?

Anne: My husband gave me the Timeless series by Gabrielle Meyer for Christmas so I am working on those. I listen to lots of audiobooks while I’m walking my dog and right now I’m listening to Pretending To Be the Mountain Man’s Wife by Misty Beller. I saw it on Bookstagram and decided to give it a try. I had never heard of the author but I am loving it and I will most definitely start at the beginning and read the whole series!

Q: What is your favorite genre to read?

Anne: Historical romance but I will read anything with romance.

Q: What is your favorite hobby?

Anne: Other than reading, hiking in the winter, beaching in the summer (yes I made that a verb).

Q: What is your favorite season and why?

Anne: Summer! As a homeschool mama, summer means more free time. Almost every day we’re in the water and I love it! The winters are really grey where I live, so I cannot get enough of the sunshine in the summer!

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will receive a print copy of Misgivings as well as a $25 Amazon gift card!

Misgivings JustRead Tours blog tour giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight February 3, 2025 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on February 10, 2025. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US/CAN only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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JustRead Publicity Tours

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Book Spotlight: Where I Found You by Betsy St. Amant

Where I Found You JustRead Blog + Review Tour

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for Where I Found You by Betsy St. Amant, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Where I Found You

Title: Where I Found You
Magnolia Bay #1
Betsy St. Amant
Publisher: Sunrise Publishing
Release Date:
February 4, 2025
Contemporary Southern Romance

From beloved author Betsy St. Amant comes a enemies to more, Hatfields and McCoys swoon-worthy contemporary romance set in a small beach town that reminds us that true love is worth fighting for. 

Noah Hebert recently inherited the Blue Pirogue Inn—along with all its problems. He needs money to keep his beloved childhood home from being shut down by his family’s longtime nemesis, Isaac Bergeron. So when Noah’s lawyer approaches him about an additional segment of his late grandfather’s will, it’s just in the nick of time. But even from beyond the grave, his grandfather is up to his usual games. In order to receive the last portion of inheritance, Noah must follow the clues. But there’s one condition… 

Magnolia Blossom Cafe manager Elisa Bergeron is shocked to discover an acquaintance from the local Puzzlers Club left her something in his will—and even more surprised to discover they are clues to a portion of his estate. When she learns she must work with introverted inn-owner Noah Hebert to solve the puzzle, she’s torn. Growing up in the middle of a multi-generational feud between their families, she’s been taught by her father Isaac that Heberts can’t be trusted. 

When these two exes must work together to save their future, will love get a second chance or will the longstanding family feud claim another generation?

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Sunrise Publishing | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub

More Books in This Series



Noah Hebert needed to get back home—he didn’t have time to watch paint dry.

“You got the wrong blue.” Peter, Noah’s apprentice at the Blue Pirogue Inn, clearly felt confident enough to point out the obvious as he stood beside Noah, his scrawny arms crossed.

“I can see that.” Noah pushed one hand through his hair as he stared at his mistake—one of many over the past several months he’d been fixing up the inn since his grandfather’s funeral—and sent a scattering of sawdust onto the taped off floor. The humidity of his coastal Louisiana hometown wet Noah’s flannel shirt and stuck it to his back, despite the spring breeze rustling through the pine trees outside. Not that the humidity was much better in north Louisiana.

Figured. They were finally at the finish line of these endless renovations, meaning his return to Shreveport and his real job as a land man in the oil and gas industry was in sight…but now he was being mocked by slate blue and—

“Sky blue. How did you even do that?” Peter squinted up at him beneath his side-swept dark hair. The kid had chosen to work a trade instead of going to college, and had proven to be a hard worker and fast learner. Noah could trust him to notice details.

Especially this one glaring at them in matte finish.

“Lot on my plate, kid.” Noah checked his watch with a grimace. “And now I’m late for an appointment with the one man in Magnolia Bay who probably hates me the most.”

Peter’s eyes widened. “Must be a Bergeron.”

“Isaac Bergeron, and if you’re a praying kind of person, you might start working on that now.”

About the Author

Betsy St. Amant

Betsy St. Amant Haddox is the author of over twenty romance novels and novellas. She resides in north Louisiana with her hubby, two daughters, an impressive stash of coffee mugs, and one furry Schnauzer-toddler. Betsy has a B.A. in Communications and a deep-rooted passion for seeing women restored to truth. When she’s not composing her next book or trying to prove unicorns are real, Betsy can be found somewhere in the vicinity of an iced coffee. She writes frequently for www.ibelieve.com, a devotional site for women.

Connect with Betsy by visiting betsystamant.com to follow her on social media and subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will receive a paperback copy of Where I Found You and a $10 Sunrise Shop Gift Card!

Where I Found You JustRead Tours blog tour giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight February 4, 2025 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on February 11, 2025. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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JustRead Publicity Tours

Saturday, February 1, 2025

January 2025 Reading Recap & February 2025 TBR

 My January 2025 Reads: 

  1. A Noble Scheme by Roseanna M. White - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Quite possibly the most perfect book Roseanna has written. Absolutely loved it. 

  2. The Queen's Cook by Tessa Afshar - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - I loved this book just as much the second time around! Read my review.

  3. The Indigo Heiress by Laura Frantz - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - I devoured this historical romance. Read my review.

  4. When Stars Light the Sky by Elizabeth Camden - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - An all-around lovely novel! Read my review.

  5. An Honorable Deception by Roseanna M. White - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Loved getting to read Yates' story. Read my review.

  6. Nourishing Narratives: The Power of Story to Shape Our Faith by Jennifer L. Holberg - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - A book that surprised me a bit and made me think a lot. Read my review.

Expected February 2025 Reads:
  1. An Overdue Match by Sarah Monzon.
  3. Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. - Currently reading. This is a LONG book!

  4. Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart by Lysa TerKeurst & the Proverbs 31 Ministries Team - Almost finished!

  5. A Million Little Choices by Tamera Alexander - My local book club's February selection.

What will you read this month?