Thursday, May 13, 2010


Eventide by Cindy Martinusen is the emotional story of the ending of a life. Carrie is not an old woman, but she has experienced many wonderful times in her life. Now as a rare disease is shortening her days, her best friend, Lauren, has set out to bring Carrie one of the few things that Carrie was never able to do – retrieving a box buried in Italy years ago. The mystery surrounding the box is from a summer long ago when Carrie and Lauren were young and Carrie experienced her first love. Though the relationship ended tragically, Carrie moved on, married and had a child. Now as Carrie knows her days are limited, she struggles with memories of that summer and seeks closure. It will take a miracle of grace to bring together Carrie, her family, her friend and her first love. Will her miracle happen or will all the difficulties of the situation prevail?

This mystery aspect of this book kept drawing me to it, and I think the plot was well-designed. However, I found this book to be depressing. Perhaps it was because the entire plot was based around the death of a woman. I would recommend this book to people who like mystery, but do not mind reading about death.

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