Thursday, October 17, 2024

Author Interview: Return of the Son by D. M. Griffin

Return to the Son JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Return of the Son by D.M. Griffin, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Return of the Son

Title: Return of the Son
Series: The Encounter #4
Author: D.M. Griffin
Publisher: Independently published
Release Date: October 10, 2024
Genre: Biblical Fiction 

Her life was perfect. At least her childhood was. Eve never wanted anything except her father's presence. As a prominent advisor to the evil King Herod, Eve's father was split between his duties to the king and his duties as the only living parent for his daughter. With no heir to claim his family's land, Eve's father did what any loving father would do. He arranged for her betrothal. But this wasn't just any betrothal. Her potential husband was related to the king she despised. With a rough marital journey ahead of her, she tenuously clings to the promises of God. 

Not sharing her father's enthusiasm or respect for the Herodian dynasty, Eve acted like the spoiled child she was upon first meeting her betrothed. With faulty expectations and prejudiced opinions, she did what she would to ruin the marriage before it began. It wasn't until it was almost too late that Eve's eyes were open and she saw the opportunity to experience love for the divine intervention that it was. 

Fraught with political intrigue and personal challenges, would Eve be able to fully surrender to the life God wanted her to live by loving a man she thought she could never love? When that man's shadows chase the family into the future, would Eve's son pay the ultimate price? Or would God intervene there too? Could He? Only a single, unforeseen encounter could answer Eve's impossible question. Does love truly conquer death? 

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub

More Books in This Series


Excerpt from Return of the Son

So the king’s son brought servants with him? That should have come as no surprise. Even Antipas traveled with an entourage. All of Herod’s young sons did. Not that the king would have been the least bit upset if his sons met untimely deaths. Rumors circulated Herod had family members murdered if they became an inconvenience.

Eve clenched her fists, angry at herself for letting her assumptions get away from her again. The judgments were like dark clouds in her soul.

“The thoughts we think determine the steps we take in life, my daughter.” Her father’s words rose to the surface of her mind with the power of rebuke. “Be careful to let the Lord Almighty direct your assumptions or else the enemy’s subtle deception will easily lead you astray. Wisdom is the robe of the Spirit that cloaks us in prayer. Deception is the net of the enemy that lingers hidden like a trap beneath our own private expectations.”

Struggling to regain her composure, Eve clenched her fists and took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. The sound of Antipas’s voice echoed through the room as he kept talking.

“They are servants, Enoch. They will not dine with us.” The arrogance in Antipas’s tone grated. He should show her father more respect. He served Herod for years, after all.

“Of course.” Her father’s sharpened tone drew her admiration.

Enoch was a man who respected individuals based on their image-bearing status in the Lord. Disapproval wasn’t something her father easily engaged in. Once lost, however, it was hard to retrieve his respect. Antipas bordered on losing her father’s respect and earning his disapproval.

About the Author

DM Griffin

D.M. Griffin lives in California but grew up in beautiful New England. As a married woman with three adult children, she enjoys spending her time crafting novels that enhance the truth of Scripture. Her characters are biblically based and entirely captivating. She launched Devoted Steps Ministry in 2016. Besides keeping up with the daily prayers and devotionals on the website, she works at a local church. She is an avid reader as well as a writer. Long walks around the lake offer her space for inspiration. Besides biblical fiction, she also writes speculative Christian fiction novels.

Connect with D.M. Griffin by visiting to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Author Interview

Q: What inspired you to write Return of the Son?

D. M.: The unnamed characters in the Bible have always intrigued me. When reading about the encounter between Jesus and the widow from Nain, I felt captivated by her story. She never speaks. Jesus only says three words to her: Do not weep. Yet, as brief as that interaction is, I couldn’t help but feel the poignancy of it tickling the edges of my imagination. Developing her character, and writing her backstory, proved to be a fitting way to finish up The Encounter Series.

Q: How long did it take to write this book?

D. M.: That is a difficult question to answer. Typically, a first draft takes about two to three weeks (and lots of sleepless nights) to complete. Then I spend two years editing, refining, and completing the series. I don’t like to release a book until the entire series is complete. That being said, I have been working with David and Eve for over two years. It is bittersweet to let them go.

Q: What surprised you while researching/writing this novel?

D. M.: I had some soul-sifting moments while writing Return of the Son that truly surprised me. I have shed ‘story tears’ when writing a book before, but as I wrote this story, it tapped into a childhood reservoir that I thought had long since dried up. I had the odd experience of being both a reader and a writer as Return of the Son was birthed on the page. I truly appreciate some of the spiritual takeaways because they spoke to me on a deep level.

Q: Do you have a favorite quote from Return of the Son?

D. M.: Yes. One of my favorites is: “Sometimes in life, our time is better spent seeking how the Lord wants us to respond to a situation rather than finding out what caused it and who we can blame.” Wise, challenging words from Eve’s father, Enoch.

Q: When did you first know you wanted to be an author?

D. M.: In second grade, I had barely learned to put letters on a page when I wrote a story that spanned six legal-sized yellow pads of paper. While other kiddos were outside playing, I was inside with my pencil, scratching away a story called The Fog People. Do I still have it? No. It would be funny to see it. But I never wanted to write, so I usually destroyed what I wrote when I read it back to myself. I sort of wrestled with writing more as a compulsion than a true desire. During my younger years, my creative outlet inclined toward music. Once music shrunk to the background in my life, writing re-emerged. I wrote children’s books for fun when my kids were growing up. I kept journals and wrote poetry, and family stories. Eventually, that moved into writing novels. My intention was just to write one for fun, but…umpteen novels later, I finally realized my ‘intentions’ give God a good laugh.

Q: Would you share something about yourself that most readers wouldn’t know?

D. M.: Oooh! Secrets. Well, if I learned anything from writing Return of the Son, it was how freeing it is to reveal a secret…Most readers would not know that I spent most of my growing-up years straddled across the US. I lived on the West Coast during the school year with my mom and stepdad and spent summers on the East Coast with my dad and stepmom. While it wasn’t an ideal situation, it taught me to be flexible and drove me to find stability in books. No matter where I was, I always had stories to offer me refuge.

Q: What are you currently reading?

D. M.: I have read some amazing books lately. One of my favorite things is supporting other independent authors by joining ARC teams. I read A Struggle for Courage by Marilyn Parker (comes out in November) which was amazing. I also just finished Brave by Mesu Andrews and Shield of the Mighty by Connilyn Cossette. I just started reading an ARC copy of A Light Undimmed (releases in December) by April Gardner, one of my favorite authors.

Q: What is your favorite genre to read?

D. M.: While Historical Fiction set in the Biblical era are among my favorites, I also like general historical fiction, fantasy, and mystery. I am especially fond of Civil War-era fiction.

Q: What is your favorite hobby?

D. M.: While my current writing habits do not permit much time for hobbies, I enjoy crocheting and drawing. I haven’t picked up my flute for years but still have a strong appreciation for music. I take daily walks around the lake by my house, finding that time to be inspirational.

Q: What is your favorite season and why?

D. M.: I am a spring girl. I find the promise of spring inspirational and the extra light rejuvenating after a long winter. It is the most productive season of the year for me. I always feel so sluggish in winter. But I have a gentle appreciation for fall’s coziness.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card, signed paperback of Return of the Son, and a prayer shawl!

Return of the Son JustRead Tours blog giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight October 15, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on October 22, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Enter Giveaway

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JustRead Publicity Tours

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Book Spotlight: A Weary World Rejoices Christmas Anthology

A Weary World Rejoices JustRead Blog +Review

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for A Weary World Rejoices by Stacy Monson, Eleanor Bertin, Johnnie Alexander, Angela D. Meyer, and Sara Davison, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

A Weary World Rejoices

Title: A Weary World Rejoices
A Mosaic Christmas Anthology VI
Stacy Monson, Eleanor Bertin, Johnnie Alexander, Angela D. Meyer, Sara Davison
The Mosaic Collection, LLC
Release Date:
October 16, 2024
Christian Christmas anthology

With nothing going as planned, will Christmas be a complete disaster this year?

The people in these stories are tired, weighed down by the struggles and cares of life. In the midst of their challenging situations, each receives an unexpected letter.  

The Christmas Kiss – Stacy Monson
Unremarkable Sue
– Eleanor Bertin
Love, Christmas
– Johnnie Alexander
Gifting Christmas
– Angela D. Meyer
The Back Door Christmas Tour Company
– Sara Davison 

Songs like "O Holy Night"are filling the airwaves and promising hope for a weary world, but what will it take for the men and women in these stories to experience true joy this Christmas?  

A Weary World Rejoices is a collection of five stories about discovering joy in the midst of life's challenges—at Christmas and every day of the year.

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub

Also Available


Excerpt from The Christmas Kiss by Stacy Monson

He savored her blush as much as the fudge mixture until her foot tapped out a clear message. He set the spoon down. “Okay, sooo…it’s very…what’s the word…chocolatey.”

She rolled her eyes. “I sure can’t fool you. What else do you taste?”

“Coffee. And…cream. Like a cappuccino.”

“How’s the flavor balance?”

“Depends on what you’re looking for. It’s fine with the stronger coffee flavor, but maybe a bit more cream if you want a lighter cappuccino. You could promote this for coffee lovers or add the cream so it appeals to a lighter palate.”

“Ooh, I like that idea.” She made notes in what she called her “recipe bible,” the ever-present, purple three-ring binder filled to overflowing. “How about texture?”

“I think it could be a little bit smoother, but I’m being picky for you.”

Her shoulders relaxed and a smile filled her pretty face. “That’s why you’re my number-one taste tester.”

“Because I’m rich, buff, and handsome?”

She laughed. “Because you’re honest. I trust you to give me the truth.”

“I’m not rich, buff, and handsome?” He let his shoulders droop. “I’d rather be that than honest.”

“Trust me, you don’t. Anyway,” she added, moving the mixing bowl closer to the bar pan, “you’re pretty well known for all of those traits. Now, will you hand me the green spatula?”

Unable to hide his smile, he handed the utensil to her, holding on when her fingers wrapped around it. She looked up and he winked. “I’m glad you consider me honest. And all those other things.”

Excerpt from Unremarkable Sue by Eleanor Bertin

She smiled at him, a smile that surprised him by what it did to his insides. C’mon, she’s your kid sister’s friend, barely out of high school. He hid his response by circling around to the driver’s door and hopping inside. Putting the truck in gear, he started down the street toward the highway.

“Next up,” the radio DJ was saying, “we’ve got the Bee Gees with ‘Stayin’ Alive.’”

“Oh, can I turn it up? I love this song.”

“Go ahead.” Glen wasn’t much of a Bee Gees fan, but he kept time, tapping on his leg.

Sue nodded and grooved to the music, singing, “You can tell by the way I use my wok, I’m a walrus man, no time to talk.”

He turned to gape at her, laughing out loud.

“What?” she asked, her eyes all innocent.

“Are you serious? Walrus man?” He pulled his gaze back to watch the road, slapping the steering wheel and chuckling.

“Well, who knows what they’re saying? Now hush and let me listen.” She bounced to the beat, picking up the next lines. “When I’m making a loaf, and I get hired, a cat get in, I need a trike.”

Unbelievable. Whether she was a certified dingbat or a comedian, his shoulders shook as he listened, fascinated as she invented an entire songful of bizarre lyrics.

Excerpt from Love Christmas by Johnnie Alexander

A memory, long buried, stirred inside Shannon’s heart. She perched on the hearth beside Twig’s bed and opened the box. A sheet of crumpled purple tissue paper was inside—nothing else—but once upon a time a surprise gift had lifted her parents’ sagging spirits.

Twig sneezed, then rested her chin on the furry edge of her bed. The tip of her pink tongue protruded beyond her toothless mouth as she stared at Shannon with her expressive, bulging eyes.

“I must have been six or seven when I found this box on our porch swing,” Shannon said, as if answering Twig’s unspoken question. “It was in a gold bag, and Mother’s name was written on the tag.”

Shannon scratched Twig behind her soft ears as the memory came into sharper focus.

Dad delivered pizzas in the evening instead of heading off to the factory each morning for his shift. Her parents talked in low voices, stopping abruptly whenever she entered the room.

Her stomach now tightened with the same heavy knots she’d experienced as a child.

Those unsettling days before Dad found a new job had cast a shadow over the excitement of Christmas.

Then the mysterious box appeared on the porch swing.

Excerpt from Gifting Christmas by Angela D. Meyer

Barry filled a basket with bread. “So, Mrs. Marino, shall we feed the troops?”

Karen laughed. “Next time, could you give me a little more warning before you invite guests over for dinner?”

Barry wrapped his wife in a hug. “I’m sorry Christmas won’t be what you were hoping.”

She leaned against his chest and listened to his heartbeat for a moment. “At least we’re together.”

“That’s what matters. By the way, I ran into your dad at the store earlier. He had a letter for you, but with the storm incoming, he asked me to deliver it. You distracted me from giving it to you earlier.”

“I did, did I?”

“Yep. It’s all your fault.” Barry sobered. “In all seriousness, though. He wanted you to have it for Christmas.” He pulled out an envelope from his back pocket. “It’s from your mom.”

She gasped as she accepted it and looked at the elegant handwriting on the front of the envelope.

He kissed the top of her head. “She must have written it before you returned from New York but died before she could give it to you. Your dad found it in her things.”

She held it against her chest. Sniffling, she slid her finger under the flap.

“Hey, where’s the food?”

Barry and Karen twisted around. Thomas glared at them from the doorway into the kitchen. Karen stuffed the letter in her jeans pocket.

Barry chuckled. “You can go to the store, since you’re in a rush.”

Thomas sputtered. “Do you know who I am?”

“Someone we welcomed in from the cold when he was stranded in the snow.”

Excerpt from The Back Door Christmas Tour Company by Sara Davison

The company spokesperson, who spoke English with a light, Tahitian accent, was nice enough but firm in her insistence that, like all the other companies, their over the holidays were full.

Rav drove his fingers through his hair. Might as well see if he could catch a flight home tomorrow. Pick up his life where he had left off and carry on as though this crazy little spontaneous blip had never happened.

The thought depressed him enough that he decided to take one more shot. “I’m sorry to hear that. You were my last hope. You wouldn’t consider adding one more person if I paid extra?”

After a brief pause, the woman spoke. “Just one? Are you saying you are all alone for Christmas?” As though afraid of anyone overhearing her, the woman had lowered her voice enough that Rav pressed the phone harder to his ear, straining to catch the words. Words that suddenly brought his bleak situation into sharp focus.

He sighed. “Yeah. I suppose I am.”

“What is your name?”

“Rav Temauri.”

A clicking sound echoed through the phone, as though the woman was inputting something into a keyboard. Looking him up? His muscles tensed, but then Rav relaxed. He didn’t have much of an online presence, and he certainly didn’t have anything in his mundane life to hide. What difference would it make if she did a little research on him?

After a moment, she murmured, “So, you’re the one.”

Rav raised his eyebrows. The one? What did that mean?

About the Authors

Stacy Monson  Eleanor Bertin

Stacy Monson is the award-winning author of stories that reveal an extraordinary God at work in ordinary life. Residing in the beautiful, peaceful countryside outside of the Twin Cities with an old dog and 17 chickens. She has two kids, two wonderful in-law kids, and adores being G'ma to 7 amazing grandchildren.

Connect with Stacy at to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

From her home in central Alberta, Canada, Eleanor Bertin writes fiction that ponders the depths of God’s love and mercy to humanity. She is the author of The Ties That Bind series, Lifelines, Unbound, and Tethered, the Burning Bright series, Flame of Mercy and Flicker of Trust, as well as the memoir, Pall of Silence, about her late son, Paul. She lives with her husband of 40 years and their youngest son, in what will someday be a beautiful century home.

Connect with Eleanor at to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Johnnie Alexander  Angela D Meyer

Johnnie Alexander is a wannabe vagabond with a heart for making memories. As a bestselling, award-winning novelist, she has written more than thirty works of fiction in a variety of genres. She is both traditionally and indie-published, serves as board secretary for the Mosaic Collection, LLC (an indie-author group) and faculty chair for the Mid-South Christian Writers Conference; co-hosts Writers Chat, a weekly online show; and contributes to the Heroes, Heroines, and History blog.  A fan of classic movies, stacks of books, and road trips, Johnnie shares a life of quiet adventure with Rugby, her raccoon-treeing papillon. Her grands call her “The Shadow” and dutifully follow this unbreakable rule ~ only she is allowed to open a new bag of Classic Lay’s potato chips.

Connect with Johnnie at to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Angela D. Meyer writes fiction that showcases God’s ability to redeem and restore the brokenness in our lives. Angela currently lives in Nebraska, where she and her husband homeschooled and graduated both of their children. Angela is a part of the Mosaic Collection and writes stories that showcase God’s redemption and restoration in our brokenness. Angela enjoys sunrises and sunsets, the ocean when she gets a chance to visit, and hopes to ride in a hot air balloon someday. Connect with Angela at to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Sara Davison

Sara Davison is the author of The Night Guardians, The Rose Tattoo, two sparrows for a penny, and In the Shadows series, as well as the standalone, The Watcher. A finalist for more than a dozen national writing awards, including the Christy Award, Davison is a Holt Medallion, Cascade, and two-time Carol Award winner for romantic suspense. She lives in Ontario with her husband, Michael. Like every good Canadian, she loves coffee, hockey, poutine, and apologizing for no particular reason.

Connect with Sara at to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will win a paperback copy of A Weary World Rejoices as well as a metal wall hanging that says A Thrill of Hope, the Weary World Rejoices!

A Weary World Rejoices JustRead Tours blog giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight October 14, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on October 21, 2024. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US/CAN only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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JustRead Publicity Tours

Friday, October 11, 2024

Author Interview: Escape to Whispering Creek by Barbara M. Britton

Escape to Whispering Creek JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Escape to Whispering Creek by Barbara M. Britton, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Escape to Whispering Creek

Title: Escape to Whispering Creek
Barbara M. Britton
White Rose Publishing
Release Date:
September 27, 2024
Genre: Contemporary Christian Romance

Emma Uranova enjoys her office job until her boss disappears with the investors' money. To avoid the media storm and false accusations, Emma flees to Whispering Creek, Tennessee to live on her best friend' s secluded property. When a temporary position opens up in Nashville, Emma leaves small-town anonymity to pad her depleted bank account. With a handsome new boss and a steady income, Emma believes life is looking up... until she discovers she has transported the scandal in her backpack. Where is God when her life is falling apart? 

Wade Donoven is recuperating from a crash that sidelined him from the family electrical business. Worse yet, his prodigal younger brother is getting the glory for Wade' s accomplishments. Desperation, and physical setbacks, have him agreeing to let Emma help him manage the business office. But when trouble follows her to his doorstep, Wade must make some difficult choices. Sending Emma back to Whispering Creek may unknowingly place the woman he's come to love in danger.

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barbara M Britton | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub

Excerpt: Sam & Emma talking about Jesus.

Sam linked her arm. “Jesus is our rock. He’ll give us wisdom and protection.”

“I know.” Emma forced a smile. “It’s just that with this scandal, it seems there are a few pebbles between my feet and the rock. I get an unsteady feeling. Like I’m reaching for God and He’s backing away.”

“Those pebbles are in your imagination. God knows every detail of what is happening in your life. Satan might be pitching fast balls, but God’s got an enormous glove and perfect reflexes.”

Emma laughed. “Spoken by a teacher who pulled recess duty.”

Also Available

Christmas at Whispering Creek

About the Author

Barbara M. Britton

Barbara M. Britton lives in Southeast, Wisconsin and loves the snow—when it accumulates under three inches. She writes Christian romantic adventures for teens and adults from Bible Times to present-day USA. Barbara has a nutrition degree from Baylor University but loves to dip healthy strawberries in chocolate.

Connect with Barbara by visiting to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Author Interview

Q: What inspired you to write Escape to Whispering Creek?

Barbara: I loved writing the character of Emma in “Christmas at Whispering Creek.” Emma was fun and forthright. I decided Emma needed to find love in Tennessee like her best friend Samantha. I challenged spunky Emma with a string of unexpected events. When her life is turned upside down, Emma is forced to stand on the Rock—Jesus!

Emma’s favorite verse is Psalm 18:2a: The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer. She needs that inspiration to straighten out her troubles.

Q: How long did it take to write this book?

Barbara: It takes me about nine months to write a story and then edit the pages. I wrote this story when many family members were going through health issues and needed surgery. I thank my critique partners for keeping me on track. It would have been easy to stop writing or take a break from the story. God was faithful and I finished the story despite traveling to take care of family members.

Wade goes through a health crisis of his own in this novel, and I could relate to his setbacks. Health challenges can be a real struggle.

Q: What surprised you while researching/writing this novel?

Barbara: Wade and Cole Donoven are involved with the family electrical business. Emma works in the office of Donoven Electric. I had to learn the terms for electrical parts and how a trade business is run. One of the electricians that worked in my own home told me a story about a burning power cord. You will find a bad power cord in this book.

Q: Do you have a favorite quote from Escape to Whispering Creek?

Barbara: The final line in this excerpt is one of my favorites because it fits Emma’s personality.

“You don’t think the press will follow you down here, do you?”

“I hope not.” Emma rubbed her stiff neck. She glanced at the stars above and silently asked the Lord for protection. She didn’t want a circus on Sam’s doorstep. “Though, I never thought I would be associated with an investment fraud scandal. If I had, I certainly wouldn’t have bought a car that screams ‘look at cute little me.’”

Sam laughed. The best sound of the day. “Your life screams ‘look at cute little me.’”

When did you first know you wanted to be an author?

Barbara: Being an author was never on my radar screen. I taught chapel to elementary students and enjoyed relaying Bible stories and theology in a creative way. I prayed that the Lord would give me creativity to finish my chapel lessons, and a story popped into my head. I started writing a book. I finished four books and then I finally sold one. The first book I sold was a takeoff of a Bible story. They always say to write what you know.

“Escape to Whispering Creek” is my tenth book. I never dreamed I would be an author, but God had other plans for me. Writing Christian Fiction is a blessing.

Q: Would you share something about yourself that most readers wouldn’t know?

Barbara: When I was in junior high, I lived in California and participated in a 4-H club. I loved to grow vegetables and won a pin for my study of plant science.

Q: What are you currently reading? What is your favorite genre to read?

Barbara: I’m reading a middle grade novel called “A Horse for Kate” by Miralee Ferrell. I help out with my church’s library and parents are asking for more middle grade selections.

I like Christian romance novels. My favorite tropes are stuck in a storm and opposites attract.

Q: What is your favorite hobby?

Barbara: Writing is a tough business in the 21st Century because I not only have to write the story, but I also have to promote my work. Promotion involves being a graphic artist for images, traveling to events, teaching classes, investing in debut authors, and staying fresh with my writing and marketing skills. With the little time I have left, I enjoy baking and walking. I need to walk off the calories in the food I make. My degree is in dietetics, so I spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

Q: What is your favorite season and why?

Barbara: Growing up in California, and spending a decade in Texas, I didn’t pay much attention to the seasons. I’ve lived in Wisconsin for over twenty years, and I love the fall. The colorful trees and the moderate temperatures are wonderful. Winters are tough in Wisconsin, but the snow is beautiful as long as there is no place you have to be. I learned that you have to venture out and drive in the snow because sporting games do not get called when there are only flurries.

I always winterize my trunk with cat litter for traction, water bottles (Which will freeze), an ice scraper, blankets, and a box of granola bars. You probably think I’m crazy for liking the winter months. Freezing temperatures make the spring so much sweeter.

Thank you so much for being part of my tour!

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will receive an Escape to Whispering Creek prize bundle which includes: a print Copy of "Escape to Whispering Creek" and book swag, a CD of Pelican Book Group Editor's Choice novels including Barbara's "Lioness: Mahlah's Journey", a $10 Amazon gift card, a teacup and a box of Emma's favorite tea, a scented candle, a Scripture stone, and cactus stickers...just like Herbie!

Escape to Whispering Creek JustRead Tours blog giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight October 7, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on October 14, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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JustRead Publicity Tours

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Book Spotlight: Brave by Mesu Andrews

Brave JustRead Takeover + Review Blitz

Welcome to the Takeover + Review Blitz for Brave: The Story of Ahinoam by Mesu Andrews hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Brave Title: Brave: The Story of Ahinoam 
Series: King David's Brides #1 
Author: Mesu Andrews 
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers 
Release Date: October 1, 2024 
Genre: Biblical Fiction

In the tumultuous world of ancient Israel, Ahinoam--a dagger-wielding Kenite woman--flees her family farm with her unconventional father to join the ragtag band of misfits led by the shepherd-turned-warrior David ben Jesse. As King Saul's treasonous accusations echo through the land, Ahinoam's conviction that David's anointing makes him Yahweh's chosen king propels her on a perilous journey to Moab and back into Judah's unforgiving wilderness, only to encounter more hardship and betrayal.

Amid the challenges, Ahinoam forges an unexpected bond with David's sister and gains respect among David's army through her knowledge of Kenite metalworking. Though some offer friendship, Ahinoam, scarred by past relationships, isolates to avoid more pain and refuses to acknowledge her growing feelings for the renegade king. As Ahinoam's heart grapples for footing, King Saul's army closes in, and Ahinoam must confront the true meaning of love, loyalty, and courage. Is she brave enough to trust new friends and love Israel's next king?

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Baker Publishing Group | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Christianbook | Bookshop

Excerpt from Brave

“Get to the house, Ahinoam!”

My fingers fumbled to dislodge the climbing rope that held me captive to the tree. Finally releasing it from my belt, I caught up with Abba and matched his gait stride for stride. Jezreel’s watchmen finally sounded the t’ruah, warning of attack with nine short blasts. We reached our courtyard gate, heard faraway screams. Like a long-­forgotten nightmare come to life.

“Hide! Now!” Abba pushed me through our curtained doorway. Tools thudded onto a goatskin on the packed dirt floor while I hurried to the far corner of our single room and skidded to my knees. Metal clanged behind me as Abba added our irreplaceable forge hammers, small anvil, and best whetstones to the goatskin bundle. My fingers shook as I removed the two sideboards beneath his elevated mattress and heard Abba’s hurried footsteps behind me.

“Get in, girl!” He nudged me into the small, dark space and then shoved our smithing supplies toward my feet. His eyes met mine. “Not a word,” he said. “No matter what you see or hear. Now hold the boards in place so I can close you in.”

“Abba, I—”

“The boards!”

I replaced the sideboards over the opening, and Abba pounded them into place with his fist. With one hand I covered a sob, and with the other I clutched the dagger in my belt. Should the Amalekites discover me, they’d receive an unwelcome greeting.

Also Available:

Love Amid the Ashes Love's Sacred Song Love in a Broken Vessel In the Shadow of Jezebel

About the Author

Mesu Andrews

Mesu Andrews is a Christy Award-winning, bestselling author of biblical novels and devotional studies, whose deep understanding of and love for God's Word brings the Bible alive for readers. Her heritage as a "spiritual mutt" has given her a strong yearning to both understand and communicate biblical truths in powerful stories that touch the heart, challenge the mind, and transform lives. Mesu lives in Indiana with her husband, Roy, where she stays connected with her readers through newsy emails, blog posts, and social media.

Connect with Mesu by visiting to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will receive a signed copy of Brave: The Story of Ahinoam and a $15 Amazon gift card!

Brave JustRead Giveaway

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway began at midnight October 9, 2024 and lasts through 11:59 PM EST on October 16, 2024. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

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JustRead Publicity Tours

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Book Review: Of Gold & Shadows by Michelle Griep

 About the Book:

The shadows hold secrets darker than they ever imagined. . . .

In 1888 Victorian England, Ami Dalton navigates a clandestine dual life. By day, she strives to establish herself as a respected Egyptologist, overcoming the gender biases that permeate academia. But with a heart for saving black-market artifacts from falling into the wrong hands, she is most often disguised as her alter ego, the Shadow Broker.

After eight years in India, Oxford's most eligible bachelor, Edmund Price, has come out of the shadows to run for Parliament and is in search of an Egyptologist to value a newly acquired collection. Expecting a renowned Oxford professor, Edmund instead finds himself entangled with Ami, the professor's determined daughter. As they delve into the treasures, their connection deepens, but trouble emerges when a golden griffin--rumored to bear the curse of Amentuk--surfaces, and they're left to wonder if the curse really is at play, or if something more nefarious is hiding among the shadows. . . .

My Thoughts:

I absolutely loved Of Gold and Shadows by Michelle Griep. Ami’s charming personality and her work as an Egyptologist drew me into the story. My interest continued to grow as the mystery/curse of the griffin appeared and created another layer. The author masterfully added in spiritual elements about God as a good, loving Father and finding one’s worth in the love of God rather than achievement. I also appreciated a theme about balancing preservation of the past with living in the present. A twist at the end surprised me and provided the happy ending for all. All-in-all, it was a beautiful story that held my attention throughout.

Of Gold and Shadows by Michelle Griep commences the Time’s Lost Treasures series, and I’m eager for the second installment. I recommend this novel to readers who enjoy historical fiction with mystery, romance, and spiritual themes. Five stars!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a copy of this book by the author or publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.

About the Author:

Michelle Griep has been writing since she first discovered blank wall space and Crayolas. She is a Christy Award-winning author of historical romances that both intrigue and evoke a smile. She's an Anglophile at heart, and you'll most often find her partaking of a proper cream tea while scheming up her next novel . . . but it's probably easier to find her at

Monday, October 7, 2024

Author Interview: The Gamekeeper’s Reluctant Bride by Elva Cobb Martin

About the Book

Book: The Gamekeeper’s Reluctant Bride

Author: Elva Cobb Martin

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: September 10, 2024

She fled from a gilded cage, only to find herself trapped in a marriage of obligation.

Helena Allston had it all—wealth, beauty, and a life of luxury on her family’s plantation. But when her father arranges a marriage to a man she despises, Helena takes matters into her own hands, fleeing on horseback, only to find herself half-drowned and memory-less in a simple cottage. And when her memory returns, Helena ends up back where she began—arranged to marry, this time to the handsome gamekeeper who rescued her.

Could there be more than obligation to this marriage? Or is he only after the Windemere Plantation her father promised him?

Gideon Falconer is at a loss when it comes to the stubborn, beautiful woman he rescued from the Ashley River. His predicament only worsens when he returns her to her family’s plantation, where her father shocks him with a demand that Gideon marry his daughter to prevent a scandal. As a man new to his faith, he feels compelled to do the right thing, but his own secrets and the past left behind in England threaten to complicate matters further.

In a marriage that began as a mere obligation, can Helena and Gideon find the strength to let love and trust conquer all, despite a determined enemy’s schemes to wreck their hope?

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Elva Cobb Martin is a wife, mother, and grandmother who lives in South Carolina with her husband and a mini-dachshund. A life-long student of history, her favorite city, Charleston, inspires her stories of romance and adventure. Her love of writing grew out of a desire to share exciting stories of courageous characters and communicate truths of the Christian faith to bring hope and encouragement. 

Author Interview with Elva

Q: What do you hope readers take away from The Gamekeeper's Reluctant Bride?

Elva: I pray readers will have an exciting and satisfying time reading Gideon’s and Helena’s story, The Gamekeeper’s Reluctant Bride, and see in action its theme, faith is not faith without corresponding actions of love for God and our fellowman. In short, we must be born again and spend time in prayer, in the Word of God, and serving with our gifts and talents versus just depending on our name being on a church roll.

Q: When did you first know you wanted to be an author?

Elva: You’re going to laugh, but when I was in the 7th grade, I competed with the class in writing a short story. I lived on a farm and loved horses. My simplistic horse story of Dolly who won a race, even with a broken leg, did well in the class contest. That’s when I first thought of becoming a writer. And horses are in most of my stories, as well as sailing ships, pirates and privateers, zesty heroes, and courageous heroines.

Q: What are you reading now?

Elva: Besides the Holy Bible I read through each year, I am reading the Savannah Quartet by Eugenia Price, an oldie but goodie historical series about the old South, set in Savannah and the mountain Geogia frontier in the early 1800’s. Also, I am in Book 6 of the amazing 21-book series, The Bregdan Chronicles, by Ginny Dye, covering the period before the Civil War, during the conflict, and reconstruction. It’s set in Richmond, Virginia, area plantations, Philadelphia, and the battle zones. On the non-fiction side, I’m reading an amazing older release, They Speak with Other Tongues by John Sherrill which is his testimony of coming from a dry religious background into the book of Acts power of the Holy Spirit.

Q: What is your favorite season and why?

Elva: Spring is my favorite season. It is the season that my dreamed writing career actually began. It followed a real low time in my life from quitting a difficult job that winter, which left me depressed, praying, and wondering what the future might hold. Staring out our patio door at the frozen landscape, I wondered if spring would ever come.

One cold morning I saw a yellow daffodil pushing up its golden head from the snow. Hope burst into my heart, and I believe the Lord planted an inspiration in my mind for a magazine article which I entitled “When Spring Came.” It’s Easter theme proclaims Jesus’ Resurrection as the first spiritual spring of the earth. I polished that short piece and searched the Writers’ Market for magazine publishers, knowing it must be too late for this coming Easter. I sent it off to a church magazine of a denomination I’d never heard of, the Assemblies of God Fellowship. They accepted, published at Easter, and paid me $30 for that article. It was one of the happiest days of my life when I opened up that check envelope. Now I was a paid writer. Paul Harvey would add, here’s the rest of the story. About 15 years later when the Lord called us into ministry, I became licensed with the Assemblies of God and entered full-time ministry.

Q: Where can readers find out more about you and your book?

Elva: I’d love for readers to sign up for my newsletter found at the top of page one on my website which also gives details about all my books and more about me.

Jolene, thank you so much for this interview and have a blessed day!

More from Elva

In The Gamekeeper’s Reluctant Bride, I planned to develop a rich, spoiled heroine who had everything she wanted—beauty, wealth, reputation, an important Charleston family name, and even membership in a popular church of her day but who had no real relationship with Jesus Christ. Isn’t that like so many in America today with our many blessings and freedom but no real love for Christ, his written Word, or his love for the unborn and his biblical plan for marriage and gender? Yet our name may be on some church roll and we call ourselves Christian. I believe our Mighty God is calling America back to him in faith and obedience to the Bible. I believe He is calling forth godly leaders who will stand for truth and righteousness, but we must go to the polls and help raise them up. America has a mighty history and a covenant cut with God by our founders. Focusing our hearts and minds on Christ gives us courage and confidence, and we can look to the future with hope in our hearts.


Here’s part of a scene showing the “before Christ” Helena with her pride and arrogance after Gideon rescued her from drowning in the river:

Gideon ducked his head at her icy voice. “Look, young woman, I dragged you from the Ashley River and walked miles carrying you in my arms, to this cottage. You were soaked through and through and unconscious.”

She interrupted him. “I don’t want to hear any more of your wild story. Go from my presence and shut the door while I dress.” She pointed to the cabin door, then reached up and touched the lump on her forehead and groaned. “Why did you strike me, sir?” These words came from between gritted teeth.

Gideon’s nostrils flared. “Miss or ma’am, whichever you are, I did not strike you. You must have hit your head on your horse’s neck or a rock when you two jumped into the Ashley. For your information, all I did was save your life, if you’d like to thank me for that.”


Here’s part of Helena’s epiphany:

Captive on the pirate ship, Helena dropped to her knees beside the bed and cried out to God. Her life paraded before her, and tears blinded her eyes. The privileged life she’d led as a wealthy planter’s daughter now seemed frivolous and meaningless. She had never lacked for a thing and had not even imagined there could be such people as the pirate captain who now had her under his control, threatening to sail to the Barbary Coast and sell her to a sultan. Would Gideon and her father ever be able to rescue her before the ship sailed away? A chill rose from her heart to her fingertips. Slavery! Would she end up in slavery? Why had she never considered the poor slaves who met all their needs on the plantation? Ever since she was a child, slaves had done everything to make her family’s life easy and pleasant. Was she now to find out what it would be like to be a slave and at the mercy of someone else’s desires and moods?…Lord Jesus, please forgive me for my proud, selfish, unthankful life. If you’re real, come into my heart, deliver me, help me come to know Your plan and purpose for me.


Like Helena, we can cry out to God in humble repentance and return with our whole heart, and He will always answer. We are never out of the reach of God’s eyes or  hand. Here is a simple prayer I invite you to pray for yourself and our nation in this election year:

Father God, I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son you sent to save me from my sins. I repent and turn from them to You and Your Word. Please forgive me and come into my heart, be not only my Savior, but my Lord and director of my decisions, especially my vote for righteous leaders. Help me find a Bible-preaching church family and do my part in bringing America back to You. I believe You are working mightily in my life, family and nation, and I give You praise. Amen

Blog Stops

Stories By Gina, October 1 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 2

For the Love of Literature, October 3 (Author Interview)

Pens Pages & Pulses, October 3

Texas Book-aholic, October 4

Tell Tale Book Reviews, October 5 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 6

Beauty in the Binding, October 7 (Author Interview)

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, October 8

Guild Master, October 9 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 10

Back Porch Reads, October 11 (Author Interview)

Devoted To Hope, October 12

Fiction Book Lover, October 13 (Author Interview)

Holly’s Book Corner, October 14

Pause for Tales, October 14


To celebrate her tour, Elva is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Link for giveaway: