Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Author Interview: Ransomed Peace by Kathleen J. Robison

About the Book

Book: Ransomed Peace

Author: Kathleen J. Robison

Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense

Release date: June 11, 2024

When romance fails the romance writer…

After being terrorized in an abusive relationship, Roxanne Cook finally feels like she’s starting to heal. Even though her mother is ill, her return to Bay Town and the arrest of her ex-boyfriend has allowed anxieties to slip away and has renewed her faith in God. Even her faith in romance seems to be restored as she develops a school-girl crush on a certain Max Tippet.

Everything comes crashing down, however, when Roxanne finds out her ex-boyfriend is released from jail. As her new-found peace unravels, Roxanne realizes that shedding her fears isn’t the same as facing them.

How will she trust in God to provide her the courage to escape the cycle that almost killed her?

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Kathleen is an Okinawan-American. Born in Okinawa, raised in California, Florida, Mississippi, and Singapore. Her travels lend themselves to the settings in her books, and her large family provides fun fodder for her characters. She and her Pastor husband have eight adult children. Seven are married, blessing them with sixteen grandchildren, and more on the way! Her ethnically diverse family of 33 plus personalities presents many opportunities to write about God’s amazing love amid trials, tragedies, and blessings. He is the one true inspiration and hope for us all.

More from Kathleen

For some, Ransomed Peace may be a hard story to read. It was a hard story to write. But rest assured, it’s a romance, and I guarantee a happily ever after! One of my favorite passages in the bible teaches that beauty from ashes lends hope that rises from hardships. Ransomed Peace begins with domestic violence. By God’s grace, I’ve never been a victim of it, but someone very close to me was. It was long ago, and unfortunately, at the time, I had no idea how to help her other than to aid in her rescue and give her refuge from the situation. But even then, that wasn’t the solution. Fortunately, today, many programs, housing, and counseling are available for those who suffer this horrible crime, but it continues and can happen to anyone. I encourage victims to seek professional help. It is as close as the internet or your local church body. Here’s the National Domestic Violence Hotline, 800-799-7233.

In Ransomed Peace, the main character, Roxanne, is a victim. As in all my books, God is the ultimate answer to any problem. But just as Roxanne was urged to seek help, I urge all victims to take action. Especially preventative action. Drawing and staying close to the Lord through His Word, prayer, and relationship with other God-fearing believers will aid in avoiding toxic people. Together, we can learn to follow and obey God’s guidance, allowing us to make the right choices in relationships. Sometimes, such as in the case of children, a choice is not possible, but God’s help always is. As we step in and walk alongside victims, we have the opportunity to help them to seek Jesus. His solution is eternal.

In my Romantic Suspense books, I choose to write about difficult real-life situations because, as a Pastor’s wife, I’ve prayed and walked with many women. Nobody’s life is perfect or ideal, and everyone suffers something. A reader wrote to me once, sharing how my book had encouraged her to walk with the Lord in areas of her life she hadn’t thought about before. She was secure in her salvation, yet she said it wasn’t until she read one of my books that she realized that living a life of purpose in all areas was possible. And it is! That’s the non-fiction part of my books. Whether our difficulties are past or present, we always need to be pointed to God’s Word in everything, not just for bliss on earth, which is never going to happen, but for the hope of our future with Him in heaven one day.

Sometimes, we are victims of circumstance and are blindsided by a force we can’t seem to contend with. Sometimes, we suffer the consequences of violence because of a bad decision we’ve made, yet it is still unjustly deserved. Whatever the cause, God loves us, and Jesus knows and feels our plight. He lived it, and there is a way out. God’s plan is for us to live for His glory.

I pray my books will inspire all to seek Him and follow Him in every phase of life. “To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;” Isaiah 61:3. Giving Him the ashes from our tragedies so He can restore joy for His praise is to live with joy over the blessings, and to find joy in Him through our sufferings.

The Lord uses people to help us live a life worthy of Him, in good times and bad. But we can’t do it alone. That’s why I created Bay Town. A community that represents real life in some way. As you read the Bay Town Series, I hope you’ll be inspired and encouraged by the characters that help one another. Trustworthy authority figures like Chief Bert and Pastor Desmond and good role models like Melanie Thompson Brooks and Max Tippet. And you’ll love the little comic relief provided through Tina, Lyla, and Bethie Cook. At some point, you’ll meet the same people in each book and hopefully come to love them as I have. Each story is unique, and each stands alone, championing themes of hope! As you read the series, you’ll become a part of Bay Town. A community that lives to watch out for one another and purposes to love and serve God.

Author Interview with Kathleen

Q: How long did it take you to write this book?

Kathleen: My writing process is a whirlwind of creativity. I start with a bang, drafting the first 50,000 words in just thirty days as part of Nanowrimo, National Novel Writing Month. From there, it's a race to the finish line, with the first draft usually completed within another month. So, with a little divine inspiration, I can churn out the zero draft in two months.

Q: Do you have a favorite quote from this book?

Kathleen: I always have a spiritual mentor or two in every book, and it’s the main character’s mother. She tells her daughter,

“Don’t undervalue the women at Bay Town.” Her mother pointed upwards. “Most important, don’t underestimate God.”

“Yes, I’m getting that lesson hammered into my brain.”

“Well, don’t be such a hard piece of wood, dear.” Her mother laughed.

Q: If the book was made into a movie, who should play the main characters?

Kathleen: Choosing actors to portray my characters is always a fun exercise. For Roxanne, I envision Anne Hathaway, capturing her vulnerability and strength. And for Dwayne, the antagonist, I see Josh Brolin, who can bring out the character's menacing side while still showing a few sympathetic traits…very few. As for Max, I'm drawn to Jude Law's charm and strength, which I think would be a perfect fit.

Q: Would you share something about yourself that most readers wouldn’t know?

Kathleen: I swam competitively in High School, and I lived in Singapore for two years during that time. Our school competed in an Island Meet, and I swam against Singapore’s only Olympic Swimmer! All the other contestants joked that when the gun shot off, we didn’t make it off the starting blocks before she was climbing out of the pool at the other end!

Q: What is your favorite hobby?

Kathleen: Is playing with grandkids a hobby? Because that’s what I adore the most! Seriously, I have too many hobbies to count. Among them are outdoor gardening, house plants, crocheting, junk journaling, sketching, and sewing. I just love to create. But I’d have to say that I crave writing. I have to turn off the keyboard in my brain when watching TV, driving, or walking. All I want to do is to write. For me, it’s like reading a good book. I can’t wait to finish writing a good book. I’m so grateful that the Lord gave me this desire to share His purpose through stories. The joy and excitement I feel when I'm crafting a story is unparalleled.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, July 8

Artistic Nobody, July 9 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 10

Stories By Gina, July 11 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 12

For the Love of Literature, July 13 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 13

lakesidelivingsite, July 14

Tell Tale Book Reviews, July 15 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 16

Beauty in the Binding, July 17 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, July 18

Guild Master, July 19 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, July 19

An Author’s Take, July 20

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, July 21 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Kathleen is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Link for giveaway:


  1. I liked the interview. Thank you

  2. This looks like a fantastic read. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I enjoyed the interview, especially Kathleen’s answer to the last question.

  4. Thank you so much for the interview. It was fun answering the questions. Would you mind if I reposted it on my website? Thanks again, I sure appreciate it !
