On Tour with Prism Book Tours

By David Rawlings
Christian Fiction
Hardcover, Audiobook & ebook, 304 Pages
June 2, 2020 by Thomas Nelson
Fifteen years after college graduation, four friends reconnect to keep a long-ago promise and go on a trip of a lifetime in the Australian Outback.
Eliza needs to disconnect from her high-powered fashion job to consider the CEO position she’s just been offered. Lincoln hopes to rekindle a past relationship and escape from another one. Bree looks forward to a fun getaway from home and her deeply buried disappointments. Andy wants to disappear from the mess he’s made of his life—possibly forever.
Dropped at a campsite in the middle of nowhere, the friends quickly discover they aren’t the same people they once were, and they begin to confront hard truths about one another—and themselves. Then a bizarre storm sweeps across their camp, scattering them across the desert. Wondering if they are part of some strange escape game, each of the friends meets a guide to help them find exactly what they need: purpose, healing, courage, and redemption.
But they’ve already traveled far down the road of life and course-correcting to become the people they were meant to be won’t be easy.
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The four mortarboard tassels flicked away the past and
ushered in the future as they arced in the afternoon sun. The circle of
friendship that withstood four hard years started its inevitable loosening; the
glue that bonded their foursome eased away as the cheers across the quad died
away. The clock started a lifetime of mesmeric ticking, a time for potential to
become performance.
The first hand thrust the caught cap onto a head of
bouncing red curls. Bree Carter choked back tears as she flicked the tassel
from her eyes. “I can’t believe it’s all over.”
Andy Summers grabbed his mortarboard and spun it between
his fingers, his lithe forearm muscles rippling as the billowing gown’s sleeves
fell away. “This moment has been so far away for years and now that it’s here,
it doesn’t seem real.”
Another hand snatched a graduation cap destined to fall
onto the head of a stunning young woman with jet-black locks. Eliza Williams.
“I know, Breezy. It’s hard to believe we’re finished, but now the next chapter
of our lives begins.”
Lincoln Horne casually swung his graduation cap by its
tassel. A perfect smile beamed from under contoured, don’t-care rusted-blond
hair. “And I can’t wait for that next chapter to start.” He gave a cheeky wink
to Eliza.
Bree wiped away a runaway tear. “I’m not ready. I’m happy
enough to stay here.”
Andy smirked at Bree. “Out of the four of us, you’re
probably the one with the least to worry about. An audition in New York and the
chance to record your own CD? I just hope you remember us when you make it
Bree bit a quivering bottom lip. “I don’t
know . . . It’s a long way to go for a long shot. What if I
Eliza scolded her roommate with a waggling finger, an
action she’d perfected in their dorm room. A replacement mom without the undercurrent
of guilt. “It’s your chance to prove everyone back home wrong.”
Andy threw an arm around Bree’s shoulders. “I believe in
you. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have lent you the money to go. I want to help you
achieve your dream, and now that I’ve come into some money, I can.”
Lincoln bowed theatrically to the group. “No need to thank
me again for the tip, Mr. Summers. I thought you’d like to know our star
player would be a last-minute withdrawal against Clarendon University. No one
else knew, so I’m glad you acted on my advice.”
Andy beamed. “It started the biggest lucky streak ever!
Long may it continue. I’ll be a millionaire before I’m thirty.”
Lincoln placed a firm hand on Andy’s shoulder. “Slow down,
buddy. I’ve told you a thousand times before. Life is more than what we earn;
it’s the good we do with it.”
From Where the Road Bends by David Rawlings. Used with the
permission of the publisher, Thomas Nelson. Copyright © 2020 by David Rawlings. Learn
more at TNZ Fiction.
About the Author

David Rawlings is an Australian author, and a sports-mad father of three who loves humor and a clever turn of phrase. Over a 25-year career he has put words on the page to put food on the table, developing from sports journalism and copywriting to corporate communication. Now in fiction, he entices readers to look deeper into life with stories that combine the everyday with a sense of the speculative, addressing the fundamental questions we all face.
One winner will receive a print copy of The Camera Never Lies by David Rawlings (US only)
Ends June 24, 2020

Thanks for sharing my book Jolene!